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UBC PhD Alumni 1972-1979
UBC PhD Alumni 1979 Name, Current University, Division. Amin Amershi, SC.
Hari Das, Saint Mary's University, OB. Robert Gephart,
OB. ...

Nakiye Boyacigiller's Vita Page
... Boyacigiller, N. (1989) Review of The New Expatriates by Rosalie Tung.
Journal of International Business Studies, 20 (2):361-364. ... - 35k - Cached - Similar pages

The Culture of Business in China
... 93-104. Rosalie L. Tung, "Strategic Management Thought in East Asia," Organizational
Dynamics 22.4 (Spring 1994): 55-65. COURSE REQUIREMENTS. ... - 34k - Cached - Similar pages

... 联想三大法宝抗衡IT列强演讲开始后,年会主席Rosalie Tung博士
首先作了引导发言。她对联想给予了高度的评价:“在不到20 ... userobject1ai57345.html - 22k - Cached - Similar pages

Wiley Europe::Human Resource Management
... for Creative Leadership. Rosalie Tung Simon Fraser University. Mary
Ann Von Glinow Florida International University. Alfred J. Walker ... WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-HRM,descCd-editorialBoard.html - 38k - Cached - Similar pages

... 追上了“兔子”的企业. AOM执行主席Rosalie Tung女士在
给柳传志的邀请函中写到:“鉴于柳传志先生在不到20 ... - 22k - Cached - Similar pages

... html 网页快照. Rosalie .L Tung 博士谈全球经济一体化
和人力资源管理 >>首页-->>最新消息-->>Rosalie .L Tung ... psearch.php?q=%C8%AB%C7%F2%BE%AD%BC%C3%D2%BB%CC%E5%BB%AF&in=page - 26k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] Publications
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... Stan Paliwoda, Chair and Supervisor; CL Hung; Diane Draper, Department of Geography;
Wayne McCready, Religious Studies; and Rosalie Tung, Simon Fraser ... 1999_newsletters/november29_rr.pdf - Similar pages

Shadow Ninja from ???? by Joe Tung Cheung, Joseph
... Shadow of Obsession, Shadow of Progress, The, Shadow of Rosalie Byrnes, The, Shadow
of Sam Penny, ... Time: 114. Ratings [1-10]: 4.3. Directors: Joe Tung Cheung Joseph. ... - 36k - Cached - Similar pages

FBA Personnel List
... A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Name, Phone, Room, Email.
Rosalie Tung Area Coordinator, International Business, 604-291-3083, WMX 3343, personnel/index.php?searchString=Rosalie%20Tung - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

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