Department of Mathematics
Spring 2003

MACM 202 - Introduction to Discrete & Continuous Models

Week 01

Quantifying Ideas by Computation & Simulation

Mathematics is a natural language for quantifying and codifying thoughts and ideas. It is also a language of precision and logic. Just as pictures or words can be used to describe objects or actions, so too can mathematical models be used as a basis for an idealized or abstract understanding. This course will explore the concepts of mathematical models by utilizing the numerical and algorithmic nature of computers.

Lectures and labs will be based upon a case-study approach of various themes in mathematical modelling. Among the types of models to be presented are: dynamical systems, random processes and statistical data sets. The rudiments of computation and simulation and graphical presentation will be developed through the use of the Matlab and Maple computing environments.

09 January
  assignment lab help walkthroughs 3:30-5:00pm
  lab report instructions (pdf)
07 January
  the starred points in the worksheet can be worked on in advance of the tutorial session
  lab worksheet (w1curve.txt)
  contour integration lab (w1curve.m)
  contour function (w1curve1.m)
  integrand function (w1curve2.m)
07 January
  first lab tutorial, room AQ3148B (PC lab)
  arrange to have a lab partner
  bring a lab notebook
  lab scripts to be posted soon
06 January
  Simpson's rule sample lab
  sample worksheet (w1simp.txt)
  simpson's rule demo (w1simp.m)
  integrand (w1simp1.m)
  sample report (pdf)

06 January
  first lecture, room AQ5018 at 1:30pm
  syllabus (pdf)
  administrative office hours from 3:30pm
  bring completed info sheet (pdf)
03 January
  matlab demo for first lecture
  sample worksheet (w1simp.txt)
  simpson's rule demo (w1simp.m)
  integrand (w1simp1.m)

27 December
  matlab intro manual (pdf)
  maple web info (link)

07 November
  abstract (pdf)
  textbook (a course in mathematical modeling)

Web Resources & Interest:

  matlab intro manual (pdf)
  maple web info (link)
  contour integration (link)