worksheet for w1simp.m demo --------------------------- - make a new folder for week1. - from your browser, download: w1simp.m w1simp1.m - start matlab & make sure that the path is set to your week1 folder. - function test. type: w1simp1(0) should return the value 3. it should be clear from the script why this is so. test other values & data arrays: w1simp1([1 2 3]) - demo. type: w1simp some numerical output & a plot should appear. look over the results -- this demo will be discussed in the first lecture. - matlab workspace. type whos a complete list of variables computed within "w1simp" will result. you can query the current value by simply typing the variable name. (note: this does not work with function calls.) - matlab help. type help xxxx where xxxx is any command. additional web-based help should be available from the menubar.