Employment opportunities
Listed below are research positions currently available in BCe and other C. elegans labs. To enter a posting, please submit a one- or two-line description (to be entered below), along with a single PDF file or a link to a website that contains details of the position, to .
- July 11, 2010. Function of cilia in health and disease. One graduate student position and one postdoctoral fellow position available in the Leroux lab, starting September 2010 onwards. job posting
- Feb 1, 2010. The new Roger Pocock Group has an open PhD fellowship in Developmental Neuroscience at BRIC, University of Copenhagen. job posting
- April 3, 2009. Postoctoral position in the Bao lab, NYC. job posting
- Jan. 30, 2008. Taubert lab starting up at UBC, March 2009. Positions available - technicians, graduate students and postdocs. job posting
- Sept. 7, 2008. Positions available in the Hutter lab to study various aspects of neuron development and function. website