Fan with a movie camera

Your experience, reverberated



1. Observations were made of audiences at a “street level” context. The ambient experience of street performers, or “buskers”, was used to gather some initial data regarding how audiences in a casual or ambient performance events, used cameras. Observations included:
a. The immediacy of contact apparent because the performer and audience share the same physical space.
b. Interaction between the audience and performer regularly occurs after the “set”. This seems to involve a range of interactions such as fan appreciation, or questions and answers.
c. The immediacy of contact apparent because the performer and audience share the same physical space.
d. Regardless of the performance going on, the audience more often than not, chose to capture images of their family or friends with whom they were attending the show.
e. ‘Passing the hat” as a means of eliciting donations (approval) from audience.
f. Copies of the performer’s artifacts (cd’s) are typically available for resale at the point of transmission.
2. Patterns used as starting point are the Research/Review/Remix that Lessig suggests are common activities in both scholarship and ordinary digital culture.
3. We extend these with the Reporting and Retaining activities and relate all these to Consumption/Production/Commodification cycle of capitalist society.
4. We looked specifically at the role of performance in these dynamics, relating our work to the work of Iacucci, Iacucci, and Kuutti, as well as with Jacucci, Cole, and Manovich
5. As an outcome of the our research, we have decided to apply for the 2005 Telus New Ventures BC Competition. We explored the use of a “toolkit of metaphors” for observing the object and informing our design. (key metaphors for our design are the “reverberation” and “stock exchange” metaphors that inform the design of The Rockxchange prototype. Using emerging – yet simple – tools of media production, distribution, exploration, and exchange, the company hopes to cut a new path for both creators of multimedia objects as well as for the fans of these works. It will accomplish this goal by demonstrating how to realign corresponding interests and activities of both parties to allow for mutual benefit that can strengthen the artist/audience dynamic.
6. A submission was also completed for the “Social Software in the Academy Workshop” This conference was intended to look at using “Social Software” in the classroom. The submission proposed exploring the teacher-student relationship in the context of artist-audience, using some of our research as a starting point. The submission was not accepted.


Artist: Joseph Arthur
Location: Vancouver B.C.
Date: March 17.2005
Venue: Red Room
Shot: Master; stage right
Length: 00:00:00


Below are the latest pictures posted with the tag "josepharthur". For more information please see flickr.


Please send email to joearthurshow "at"



Thanks to Alessandro Fulciniti for the Nifty rounded corners.