My PhD thesis is about "Graphs on Surfaces". My research interests are within topological graph theory, structural graph theory and algorithmic complexity. My CV can be found here.


15. V. Iršič, B. Mohar, A. Wesolek - Cops and Robber on Hyperbolic Manifolds (Arxiv)

14. A. Wesolek - Bootstrap percolation in Ore-type graphs (Arxiv)


13. A. Espuny Díaz, L. Lichev, D. Mitsche, A. Wesolek - Sharp threshold for embedding balanced spanning trees in random geometric graphs (Journal of Graph Theory 2024)

12. N. Bousquet, T. Pierron, A. Wesolek - A note on highly connected K_{2,ℓ}-minor free graphs (Discrete Mathematics 2024)

11. S. Cabello, É. Czabarka, R. Fabila-Monroy, Y. Higashikawa, R. Seidel, L. Székely, J. Tkadlec, A. Wesolek - A Note on the 2-Colored Rectilinear Crossing Number of Random Point Sets in the Unit Square (Acta Math. Hungar.2024)

10. N. Bousquet, L. De Meyer, T. Pierron, A. Wesolek - Reconfiguration of plane trees in convex geometric graphs (SoCG 2024)

9. M. DeVos, D. Rogers, A. Wesolek - On Minimizing the Energy of a Spherical Graph Representation (GD 2023)

8. É. Bonnet, J. Duron, C. Geniet, S. Thomassé, A. Wesolek - Maximum Independent Set when excluding an induced minor: K_1 + tK_2 and tC_3 \uplus C_4 (ESA 2023)

7. N. Morrison, JD Nir, S. Norin, P. Rzążewski, A. Wesolek - Every graph is eventually Turán-good (Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B)

6. M. Bonamy, É. Bonnet, H. Déprés, L. Esperet, C. Geniet, C. Hilaire, S. Thomassé, A. Wesolek - Sparse graphs with bounded induced cycle packing number have logarithmic treewidth (SODA 2023)

5. V. Iršič, B. Mohar, A. Wesolek - Cops and Robber game in higher-dimensional manifolds with spherical and Euclidean metric (CR Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 2022)

4. D. Cranston, J. Nie, J. Verstraëte, A. Wesolek - On Asymptotic Packing of Geometric Graphs (Discrete Applied Mathematics 2022)

3. M. Bonamy, C. Groenland, C. Muller, J. Narboni, J. Pekárek, A. Wesolek - A note on connected greedy edge colouring (Discrete Applied Mathematics 2021)

2. M. Bonamy, L. Cook, C. Groenland, A. Wesolek - A Tight Local Algorithm for the Minimum Dominating Set Problem in Outerplanar Graphs (DISC 2021)

1. M. Bonamy, B. Mohar, A. Wesolek - Limiting crossing numbers for geodesic drawings on the sphere (GD 2020) ( Presentation GD2020 Slides)