
Appeals, Leaves, and Withdrawal

See the Graduate General Regulations section 1.8 on Progress, Withdrawal and Leave for further details.

Graduate Course Enrollment Forms

  • SA Directed Readings Template Form (to be filled out by supervisor and student and submitted by the first day of the second week of classes).
  • Course Add/Drop Form (to take a course outside of the department) must be granted permission by instructor, your supervisor and the Graduate Program Chair.
  • Western Dean's Agreement Form (to take a course that is not offered at our institution, please note there are strict deadlines to submit this form, see the Current Term Dates and Deadlines Page on the GPS Website for details).

Extensions, Reactivation and Readmission

Application for Extension Procedures

This form is used if you are in your last term of your program and you are not defending in your last term, or if you are actively on an extension term.  

Applications for Extensions to time limits for program completion will be considered for research requirements that may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Organizing and conducting fieldwork and ethnographic research.
  • Negotiating and satisfying terms and conditions for collaborative and partnership research agreements.
  • Negotiating and satisfying of ethical requirements.
  • Organizing travel and accommodation.
  • Acquiring necessary visa and immigration approvals.
  • Other research and dissertation development requirements as determined by students in consultation with supervisory committees

1.  In conjunction with the Extension Application Form students must submit a work plan for the extension period requested (from
     1-3 terms) to their supervisory committees.

2.  Supervisory committees assess and recommend acceptance and length of extension required to GPC in the form of a written
     statement with the students proposed work plan (and any revisions to that plan), this should be emailed to the Program Assistant

3.  GPC assesses and grants or rejects the application for extension and will notify the student of their decision in writing. Students
     may appeal the supervisory recommendation to the GPC.

Please note: While students may request and receive up to a maximum of six possible extension terms after they time out of their program, the GPC may reject an application at any time. If a student is planning to apply for a sixth extension term they must submit a draft thesis prior to the end of the fifth term before a sixth term can be approved as the sixth extension term is the LAST POSSIBLE extension available.

Reactivation Procedures

Application for Reactivation - This form is used for those students who have been discontinued from their program and wish to reactivate within the same term that they have been discontinued. If it is not within the same term you must follow the readmission procedure below.

Readmission Procedure

In order to be eligible to apply for readmission students who have been discontinued from their program must apply for readmission prior to the end of the third term after the normal time completion has been reached (i.e. for PhDs who timed out at 18 terms they would need to apply for readmission prior to the end of the 21st term in order for their application to be considered).
All students applying for readmission are in competion with new applicants for the next intake term.

Students who wish to be considered for readmission must follow these procedures:

  1. In conjunction with the Application for Readmission students must present a complete draft of thesis and term work plan to supervisory committees by week 10 of the term PRECEDING the term in which they wish to apply for readmission.
  2. The student's supervisor provides the GPC with a written recommendation concerning readmission, criteria being that, having read first draft of thesis and work plan they are reasonably confident that the student will defend in the term of readmission or within the max possible extension terms.
  3. GPC assesses and approves or rejects application for readmission, GPC forwards decision to GPS. If approved the student MUST defend their thesis by the end of the last approved extension term or the sixth possible extended term after regular time.

    Please note: the readmission procedures are under review and are subject to change.

Sociology & Anthropology Required Forms

Sociology & Anthropology Defence Guidelines



Additional Forms

For additional forms that are not available on this page please visit the following sites: