PhD Alumni Thesis Archive

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Poole, Lisa (S)
Polyamory politics in Canada: Problems and possibilities
Senior Supervisor: Travers; Committee Member: Michael Hathaway, Lara Campbell (Fall)


Paradiso, Eugenio (A)
The social, cultural, and political dimensions of violence in Argentinian football: an ethnographic account abstract
Senior Supervisor: Noel Dyck; Committee Member: Travers, Peter Hall


Avdan, Ataman (S)
The Making of Consurbia: Conservation, Urbanization, and Socio-Environmental Change in Turkey's Gediz Delta
Senior Supervisor: Yildiz Atasoy; Committee Member: Eugene McCann. (Spring)

Golubović, Jelena (A)
Zones of Violence: Serb Women inside the Siege of Sarajevo 
Senior Supervisor: Parin Dossa; Committee member: Michael Hathaway

Thomas, Jennifer (S) 
Technologies of the Natural: 'Male Enhancement', Gender Confirmation Surgery, and the 'Monster Cock' 
Supervisor: Travers; Committee Member: Michael Hathaway

Das, Dharashree (A) 
Matters of the womb: Muslim women's narratives of fertility, family, and the Indian State
Supervisor: Stacy Pigg; Committee Member: Parin Dossa


Feindel, Pat (A)
Voices from a Buried Past: Recovering Dis/ability Histories Through the Woodlands Memorial Garden
Senior Supervisor: Dara Culhane; Commitee Member: Robert Menzies (Fall)

Kihika, Maureen (S)
Negotiating Borders:  The ‘Everyday’ encounters of Black African immigrant Caregivers in Vancouver, British Columbia
Senior Supervisor: Cindy Patton; Committee Members: Michael Hathaway, Habiba Zaman (Summer)

Willmott, Kyle (S)
"Taxpayer Governmentality" 
Senior Supervisor: Jane Pulkingham; Committee Members: Wendy Chan, Dany Lacombe (Summer)


Cerny, Lesley (A)
The Colonial Dynamics of Health Care: An Ethnography in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside
Senior Supervisor:  Dara Culhane; Committee Member: Parin Dossa (Fall)

Ferenczi, Natasha-Kim (A)
What if there is a cure somewhere in the jungle? Seeking and plant medicine becomings
Co-Senior Supervisors:  Marianne Igance and Dara Culhane (Fall)

Gurcan, Efe Can (S)
"Political-Cultural Formation and Food Sovereignty:  Constituting the Indigenous Peasantry in Agrentina"
Senior Supervisor: Gerardo Otero; Committee Members: Kathleen Millar, Katherine Reilly (Spring)

Inglis, Kathleen (A)
The Social Life of Monitoring and Evaluation:  An Ethnography of the Monitoring and Evaluation of an HIV/AIDS Prevention Program in Ghana
Senior Supervisor: Stacy Pigg; Committee Members: Michael Hathaway, Susan Erikson (Spring)

Shaw, Jennifer E. (A)
"To Live My Life": An ethnography of cross-border life and kinship from the perspectives of Filipina/o-Canadian Youths"
Senior Supervisor: Parin Dossa; Committee Members: Noel Dyck, Kathleen Millar (Spring)


Falls, Dominique (S)
"Parenting, Childhood and Organized Youth Sport in Rural and Small-Town British Columbia:  An Ethnographic Study" 
Senior Supervisor: Barbara Mitchell; Committee Member: Noel Dyck (Fall)

McLean, Amie (S)
"We used to be Kings of the Road":  Negotiations of Ethics, Embodiment and Subjectivity in the BC-Based Long Haul Trucking Industry" 
Senior Supervisor: Jane Pulkingham; Committee Member: Arlene Tigar McLaren (Fall)

Parusel, Sylvia (S)
"Women, Methadone and the Politics of Supervised Exclusion" 
Senior Supervisor: Jane Pulkingham; Committee Members:  Dara Culhane and Susan Boyd (Spring)


Treloar, Rachel (S)
PhD by Special Arrangements (Sociology, Public Policy, Law)
"The Construction and Transformation of High-Conflict Divorce involving Children" 
Senior Supervisor: Jane Pulkingham; Committee Members: Susan B. Boyd, and Olena Hankivsky (fall)

Burkowicz, Jakub (S)
"Peripheral Europeans: The History of the Racialization of Slavs in Canada" 
Senior Supervisor: Wendy Chan; Committee Members: Dany Lacombe & Robert Menzies (summer)

Peker, Efe (S)
"A Comparative-Historical Sociology of Secularisation: Republican State Building in France (1875-1905) and Turkey (1908-1938)"
Senior Supervisor: Gary Teeple, Co-Senior Supervisor (co-tutelle w/Sorbonne): Patrick Weil; Committee Member: Gerardo Otero (spring)


Elfenbein, Rachel (S)
"They Want Our Work, But Not Our Power: Popular Women, Unpaid Labor, and the Making of the Bolivarian Revolution"
Senior Supervisors: Hannah Wittman & Jane Pulkingham; Committee Members: Alison Ayers, Elisabeth Friedman (spring)

Krawczyk, Marian (S)
"Negotiated Practices: Understanding Hospitalized Palliative Care as an Affective Economy"
Senior Supervisor: Jane Pulkingham; Committee Member: Dara Culhane (summer)

Ozcetin, Hilal (S)
"Dressing up Ahlak: A Reading of Sexual Morality in Turkey"
Senior Supervisor: Dany Lacombe; Committee Members: Parin Dossa, Simten Cosar- Haccettepe University, Turkey (fall).


Dergousoff, Deborah M. (S)
"An Institutional Ethnography of Women Entrepreneurs and Post-Soviet Rural Economics in Kyrgyzstan"
Supervisor: Ann Travers; Committee Members: Dorothy E. Smith,  Marilyn Gates, Habiba Zaman, Michael Hathaway (spring)


Kang, Helen (S)
"Medical Disinterestedness: An Archaeology of Scientificness and Morality in the Canadian Medical Profession"
Supervisor: Cindy Patton; Committee Members: Dany Lacombe, Zoe Druick (spring)


Basi, Mandip (A)
Navigating the Medical Marketplace: Consuming Ayurveda in Delhi
Supervisor: Stacy Pigg; Committee Members:  Dara Culhane, Vinay Kamat (UBC) (fall)


Ashley, Sean (A)
Late for Buddha: The Construction of Dara’ang (Silver Palaung) Religious and Ethnic Identity
Supervisor: Michael Howard; Committee Member: Michael Kenny (summer)

Deri, Jillian (S)
Polyamory or Polyagony? Jealousy in Open Relationships
Supervisor: Ann Travers; Committee Members: Michael Hathaway, Helen Leung (summer)


Wangsgard, David (A)
Here We are All Brothers: Gender Relations and the Construction of Masculine Identities in a Nung Fan Sling Village
Supervisor: Michael Howard; Committee Member: Marilyn Gates (summer)


Ignace, Ron (A)
Our Oral Histories are our Iron Posts: Secwepemc Stories and Historical Consciousness
Supervisor: Noel Dyck; Committee Members: Dara Culhane, J. Archibald (spring)

Moretti, Cristina (A)
Stories and Landscapes in Milan, Italy: an Ethnography of Urban Spaces
Supervisor: Dara Culhane (spring)

SadikTonio (A)
Validation and Constraint: A Discursive Examination of the British Columbia Land Question in an Era of Treaty Negotiations
Supervisor: Noel Dyck; Committee Members: Dara Culhane, Marianne Ignace (fall)


ElliottDenielle (A)
Pharmaceutical Surveillance, Medical Research and Biovalue Among the Urban Poor
Supervisor: Stacy Pigg; Committee Member: Dara Culhane (spring)

Pechlaner, Gabriela (S)
"Beyond the Science of Agricultural Biotechnology Corporate Technology, Law, and Local Control over Food Production"
Supervisor: Gerardo Otero; Committee Members: Karl Froschauer, M. Rutherford (summer)


Stovel, Laura (S)
"Long Road Home: Building Reconcilliation and Trust in Post-War Sierra Leone"
Supervisor: Heribert Adam; Committee Members: Jane Pulkingham, C. Griffiths (fall)


Cooper, Laura (A)
Conversations with My Sister: An HIV/AIDS Counterstory
Supervisor: Parin Dossa; Committee Member: Marilyn Gates (summer)

Hribkova, Klara (S)
Power, Subject and Syphilis: Towards a Sociology of Venereal Disease in the United States, 1900 - 1950
Supervisor: Dany Lacombe; Committee Member: Arlene McLaren (spring)


Roe, Gordon (A)
Harm Reduction in an Epidemic: The Downtown Eastside and the Lost Opportunities of the HIV/AIDS Action Plan, 1998 to 2000
Supervisor: Stacy Pigg; Committee Members: Dara Culhane, Michael Kenny (spring)

Westhaver, Russell (S)
"Party Boys: Identity, Community, and the Circuit"
Supervisor: Dany Lacombe; Committee Member: Dara Culhane (fall)


Janet Christine Elsey (S)
"The Poetics of Self, Body and World: A Phenomenological Reinterpretation of B.C. Ethnography"
Supervisor: Ian Angus; Committee Member: Marilyn Gates (summer)


Ana Paula Beja Horta (S)
"Constructing Otherness: Nationhood and Immigration Politics in Portuguese Post-Colonial Society"
Supervisor: Heribert Adam; Committee Members: Marilyn Gates, M. Rocha-Trindade (fall)

Steven Prus (S)
"Changes in Economic Status and Inequality During Later Life: A Quantitative Analysis of Canadian Data"
Supervisor: Ellen. Gee; Committee Members: Jane Pulkingham, Andrew Wister (spring)

Alexander Simon (S)
"Common Ground and Conflict in the Struggle Over the Use of Forests and Labour in British Columbia: The Case of Greenpeace and the Pulp, Paper and Woodworkers of Canada"
Supervisor: Ian Angus; Committee Members: Karl Froschauer, Marilyn Gates (spring)

Peyman Vahabzadeh (S)
"Articulated Experiences: Toward a Radical Phenomenology of Contemporary Social Movements"
Supervisor: Ian Angus; Committee Members: Marilyn Gates, Jerry Zaslove (summer)