Brainstreams (website design evaluation and redesign)

By: Holly Lam, Ana Lizarraga Lauren Mok, Sahar Babaei
Course: IAT 432 Design Evaluation

Description: This was a four week study to assist the BC Brain Injury Association (BCBIA) in enhancing their website, Brainstreams. By evaluating the usability of the Brainstreams website we aimed to assess whether the website meets its goals of providing education and accessible support for brain injury survivors and their family members.

To gather valuable insights from Brainstreams’ primary user group, we utilized three evaluation methods: an online survey, a heuristic evaluation, and a usability study. Through these methodologies, we gathered data to address our research questions, validate our findings with robust evidence, and shape our design proposals. Lastly, we created a high-fidelity prototype to visualize our recommended solutions and a presentation video to explain our research process.

Final report: