With our focus on collaborative experiential learning, StudioSIAT not only supports our undergraduate program (IAT 202, 208, 313, 340, 343, 344, 443, 445, 499) but also developed a series of micro-credit and noncredit courses in production.

We're excited to announce our upcoming non-credit course in Introduction to Motion Capture launching in Fall of 2024!

Intro to MoCap (24 hrs) +
Intro to MoCap & Systems (40 hrs)

Running concurrently, the Intro to Motion Capture and Intro to Motion Capture & Systems courses aim to provide an in-depth introduction to the intricacies of motion capturing for animation & games.

What you will learn in both courses:

  • Technology behind motion capture systems
  • Which technology to choose for your mocap production
  • How to plan a motion capture shoot
  • How the motion capture pipeline works
  • What roles are involved in motion capture
  • How to clean up motion capture data & prepare them for different applications
  • Applying the motion data to an Unreal or Unity project

Additional things taught in the Intro to Mocap & Systems:

  • How to rig up suits & suit up best practices
  • Hands-on experience wearing suit or supporting the suit up process
  • Hands-on experience capturing data in Motion Builder
  • Hands-on experience in control room flows

Besides our micro-credit and non-credit courses, students can learn and get hands on time in StudioSIAT production technologies & techniques in the following classes.

  • Cinematography, Lighting, & Visual Effects - IAT 202 New Media Images & IAT 344 Moving Images
  • Sound Design & Mixing - IAT 202 New Media Images & IAT 340 Sound Design
  • Animation for Games & Media & Basic Motion Capture - IAT 343 Animation, IAT 410 Advanced Game Design & IAT4 45 Immersive Environments
  • Photography - IAT244 Digital, Virtual & AI Photography