Ninja Rush: Final Encounter (2D game)

By: Enson (Yicheng) Yan
Course: IAT 167 Digital Games: Genre, Structure, Programming and Play

Game Narrative Design: The story revolves around a ninja who was once the most powerful ninja in the world. The ninja never hurt innocent people, he only upheld justice and protected the weak.

He possessed the "Ninja Heart", the highest symbol of ninjas in this world. Those who possessed it would be invulnerable and have superb martial arts. However, there is a problem with the "Ninja Heart"—an individual can only touch it once in their life, and that is the moment they receive it's powers. From then on, they must carry it close to their body like a talisman. If the Ninja Heart is lost, the individual who previously possessed the talisman cannot touch it again once it has been found again, if they do, they will die immediately.

In a fight with the most powerful gang, Pa1n, this "Ninja Heart" accidentally fell off and was picked up by the boss of Pa1n, “Pain Killer”, aka. P.K., making P.K. fearless and able to do evil everywhere.

As a righteous ninja, the main character knows the harm of P.K. to all mankind. Even if he risks touching the "Ninja Heart" again and dying, he will take it back from P.K.

Can you, together with the ninja, complete the mission?