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Thursday, 8 March 2012, 14:00 in P8445B
Prof. Jarah Evslin (IHEP, Beijing)
Galaxy-sized monopoles as dark matter?
I describe work in progress on a proposed dark matter candidate: giant 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles in a new, extremely weakly coupled, dark nonabelian gauge sector. Each galactic halo consists of a single monopole with some charge Q. The monopole density profile corresponds to a cored, pseudo-isothermal halo, while Dirac quantization yields a minimum halo mass, resolving the missing satellite problem. A key prediction is that the outer halo radius is Q-independent, and so dwarf spheroidal halos extend an order of magnitude beyond the farthest stars, and generally beyond the tidal radius. Microlensing, wide binary and bullet cluster bounds are easily satisfied.
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Modified by Andrei Frolov <> on 2023-11-01