Simon Fraser University
SFU Cosmology Seminars

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Tuesday, 1 November 2011, 14:00 in P8445B

Prof. Andrei Frolov (SFU)

Critical collapse and solitons in classical conformal field theory

I will talk about the fate of a localized wavepacket in a classical conformal field theory with attractive interaction V(φ) = -¼ λ φ⁴. As potential is unbounded from below, homogeneous field collapses to singularity in finite time. However, finite size wavepacket can disperse before it collapses. Competition between the two outcomes results in a critical behavior, much like the one seen in gravitational collapse. I calculate the critical exponents, and show that there are static regular soliton-like solutions in the theory.

Seminars in 2011:

2011-09-15 14:00 in P8445B - Tanmay Vachaspati (Arizona State University): Primordial magnetic fields from the electroweak epoch
2011-10-18 14:00 in P8445B - Yin-Zhe Ma (UBC): Cosmology on large and small cosmic scales
2011-10-21 15:30 in AQ3149 - Andrei Frolov (SFU): Staring at the sky (physics colloquium)
2011-10-25 14:00 in P8445B - Ali Narimani (UBC): Dimensionless cosmology
2011-11-01 14:00 in P8445B - Andrei Frolov (SFU): Critical collapse and solitons in classical conformal field theory
2011-11-15 14:00 in P8445B - Archisman Ghosh (University of Kentucky): Cosmological singularities and AdS/CFT
2011-11-22 14:00 in P8445B - Jun-Qi Guo (SFU): Scalar wave propagation in Schwarzschild metric in some usual coordinates
2011-11-25 14:30 in AQ3149 - Levon Pogosian (SFU): Lambda, w and beyond (physics colloquium)
2011-11-29 14:00 in P8445B - Daniel Thomas (Imperial College): Making gravity count: Cluster numbers and other cosmological observables in model independent modified gravity
2012-01-17 14:00 in P8445B - Levon Pogosian (SFU): Fables of reconstruction: controlling bias in the dark energy equation of state
2012-02-07 14:00 in P8445B - Scott Dodelson (Fermilab): Gravitational lensing
2012-02-23 14:00 in P8445B - Jonathan Thornburg (Indiana University): Modelling extreme mass ratio binary black hole inspirals for eLISA
2012-03-08 14:00 in P8445B - Jarah Evslin (IHEP, Beijing): Galaxy-sized monopoles as dark matter?

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Modified by Andrei Frolov <> on 2025-01-24