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Tuesday, 24 February 2009, 14:00 in P8445A
Prof. Adam Ritz (University of Victoria)
Probing pseudoscalar perturbations with CMB polarization
I'll discuss the use of CMB polarization as a probe of new light pseudoscalar degrees of freedom weakly coupled to photons. The stochastic pseudoscalar fluctuations generated during inflation provide a mechanism for converting E-mode polarization to B-mode during photon propagation from the surface of last scattering. The efficiency of this conversion process is controlled by the dimensionless ratio H/(2π fa), where H is the Hubble scale during inflation, and fa-1 is the strength of the pseudoscalar coupling to photons. The current observational limits on the B-mode constrain this ratio to be less than 0.07, which in many models of inflation translates to a sensitivity to values of fa in excess of 1014 GeV, surpassing the sensitivity of other tests.
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