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Friday, 22 February 2008, 14:30 in AQ3181
Prof. Andrei Frolov (SFU)
Simulating the Big Bang (physics colloquium)
The idea of inflation (a period of rapid quasi-exponential expansion of the Universe) neatly solves several issues in cosmology. But while the Universe is inflating, its contents is cold. Eventually, inflation has to end and the field driving the inflation has to decay, depositing its energy into high-energy particles. This process, known as reheating, starts the hot big bang as we know it. I will discuss basic models of resonant and tachyonic preheating, show recent numerical simulations of the inflaton decay (which turns out to be quite non-linear and violent), and explore how gravitational waves are produced in the process. If observed, they could allow a glimpse of physics at energies we know very little about.
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Modified by Andrei Frolov <> on 2023-11-01