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Thursday, 7 February 2008, 10:30 in IRMACS
Prof. Scott Dodelson (Fermilab)
Dark matter vs. modified gravity
Thursday, 7 February 2008, 13:30 in SSB7172
Prof. Scott Dodelson (Fermilab)
Fundamental physics from space (special colloquium)
The Standard Model of particle physics has been remarkably successful in explaining a wide variety of microscopic phenomena. This success is almost too good: we are searching for any hints of physics beyond the Standard Model. Over the last decade, evidence for new physics has come from an unlikely source: astrophysical observations. I describe some of these observations and explain how they are changing our view of the laws and constituents of the Universe.
Seminars in 2007:
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Modified by Andrei Frolov <> on 2023-11-01