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Thursday, 3 May 2007, 13:00 in P8445B
Prof. Tanmay Vachaspati (Case Western Reserve University)
Formation of black holes
I discuss the formation of black holes by spherical domain wall collapse as seen by an asymptotic observer, using the functional Schrodinger formalism. To explore what signals such observers will see, I describe the radiation of a scalar quantum field in the collapsing domain wall background. The total energy flux radiated diverges when backreaction of the radiation on the collapsing wall is ignored, and the domain wall is seen by the asymptotic observer to evaporate by non-thermal radiation during the collapse process. Evaporation by pre-Hawking radiation opens the possibility that an asymptotic observer can never lose objects down a black hole. Together with the non-thermal nature of pre-Hawking radiation, this may resolve the black hole information loss problem.
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