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Tuesday, 24 April 2007, 14:00 in P8445B
Dr. Evgeny Sorkin (UBC)
The pinching black strings
I discuss the black holes with various horizon topologies, that exist in the spacetimes with extra compactified dimensions, and the phase transitions between them. In this talk I particularize to the spacetime with a single compact dimension. The relevant black objects are the black string, whose horizon wraps the extra-dimensions, and the localized black hole. The uniform string becomes unstable if 'too thin', and decays into a nonuniform state which apparently evolves until it pinches off and a localized black hole is formed. Currently, the dynamical evolution remains elusive, thus we are set to construct the phase diagram of the static solutions. In particular, the extremely non-uniform black strings are numerically constructed, and the local geometry near the pinch off is explored.
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