Philadelphia Photos 3

 14 OC 1923 — present


13 A Marmon-Herrington trolley, perhaps on the Wyoming line. Photo by R. Hill, submitted by Kenneth Josephson.

snow1 A Marmon-Herrington trolley negotiating its way around large piles of snow following a blizzard in Philadelphia. This could have been in 1977. Photo by R. Hill, submitted by Kenneth Josephson.

snow2 Another view of a Marmon-Herrington negotiating its way around large piles of snow. Photo by R. Hill, submitted by Kenneth Josephson.

snow3 Another view. Photo by R. Hill, submitted by Kenneth Josephson.

Ph1a A young chap seems to be more interested in the photographer than in the two Marmon Herringtons at the Franford Station in Philadelphia. Photo by R. Hill, submitted by Kenneth Josephson.

Ph2a A driver repoling his M-H after a dewirement. Photo by R. Hill, submitted by Kenneth Josephson.

1a An AMG somewhere on the 75 Wyoming line. Photo by Roger Dupuis. Submitted by Ken Josephson.

829 AMG 829 at 21st St. and Snyder on route 79 Delware-Snyder. Photo by Bob Rathke. 7 DE 2001.

811 AMG 811 at 25th St. and Snyder. Photo by Bob Rathke. 7 DE 2001.

818 AMG 818 at Vine St. and Snyder, the terminus. Photo by Bob Rathke. 7 DE 2001.

838 AMG 838 at 25th St. and Snyder. The old PRR electrified viaduct is in the background. Photo by Bob Rathke. 7 DE 2001.

838 Septa AMG 800 in Dayton, OH for testing, at the old Western Avenue Barns.. 800 was the first AMG trolley built, and it went to Philadelphia. The next 109 AMG trolleys went to Seattle, and the remainder went to Philly. Photo by Harvey Hylton. 21 OC 1978.

838 Another shot of AMG 800. Photo by Harvey Hylton. 21 OC 1978.

115 Brill 135 southbound on route 61 Ridge. Photographer and date unknown.

13 Brill124 on Rte 61 Ridge Ave. somewhere on Ridge Ave. Date and photographer unknown.

Philadelphia trolleybus routes (all are currently dieselized, though some or all may come back).

Route Map of Route 29 Tasker

Route Map of Route 59 Castor

Route Map of Route 66 Tasker

Route Map of Route 75 Wyoming

Route Map of Route 79 Snyder

Philadelphia Photos 1

Philadelphia Photos 2

Philadelphia Photos 3

Philadelphia Photos 4

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