
Killian Kleffner is the Project Coordinator and Main Point of Contact for the Point of Care Health Technology (PCHT) Team. Killian assists in scheduling PCHT meetings and events, drafting and circulating the PCHT newsletter and assists in the management of all financial aspects of the Point of Care Health Technologies team. Killian holds degrees in psychology and cognitive neuroscience with expertise in electroencephalography (EEG). He is interested in applying EEG technologies to study cognitive health across the lifespan.

Juliet Neun-Hornick is the Communications Specialist for the Point of Care Health Technology (PCHT) Team. Juliet is also the Special Projects Coordinator and Communications Specialist at the STAR (Science and Technology for Aging Research) Institute. Juliet provides assistance to PCHT PI Dr. Andrew Sixsmith, scheduling and coordinating meetings, assisting in coordination of  larger events, and assisting in innovation workshops. Juliet also assists in designing promotional materials for upcoming events and communications work, as well as assisting in all financial aspects of the Institute and Point of Care Health Technologies team.