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Publications: 2001 World Congress

World Congress Abstracts
Abstracts of the 17th IAG World Congress of Gerontology, which took place in Vancouver, Canada July 1-6, 2001, were published as a Special Issue of Gerontology [July 2001, 47 (supplement 1) 1-718]. Copies of the program and 718 page Abstract book are held at the former IAG Secretariat in Vancouver. To inquire email iag@sfu.ca. The World Congress Abstracts are now available on the web. Click here to search abstracts by keyword and author.

Video and Audio Tapes
A selection of keynote sessions, invited symposia, and Continuing Medical Education sessions from the 17th World Congress of Gerontology (July 1-6, 2001), were audio and videotaped. Copies are held at the former IAG Secretariat in Vancouver. To inquire email iag@sfu.ca.

16th World Congress Proceedings
Proceedings of the 16th World Congress of the International Association of Gerontology are available online [PDF]. (Please note: this file is 156 pages long)