Home >> IAG Events & Initiatives IAG Events & Initiatives1) Conferences The IAG holds a World Congress every four years. To date, there have been 18. Click here for information about past and upcoming world congresses. IAG regional/hemispheric congresses take place in the intervening years between each World Congress. Click here for upcoming regional congress dates and locations. Please note: these and other events are also listed in the calendar on this website. The IAG also auspices and participates in a number of special events. For example, in conjunction with the 2nd World Assembly on Ageing in Madrid, Spain in April, 2002, the IAG auspiced the Valencia Forum and participated in the NGO Forum, including the organization of the "Health Day" segment of the program. 2) Education and Training A major objective of IAG is to foster education and training of high quality personnel to plan, administer and deliver services for older adults. Towards that end, the following special initiatives have been undertaken:
3) Research a) Research Agenda on Ageing Over the last four years, the IAG has assisted the United Nations Programme on Ageing in the development of a Research Agenda on Ageing for the 21st Century. The Research Agenda was endorsed by the IAG Council March 31, 2002 and was presented at an official roundtable at the World Assembly on Ageing in Madrid April 9, 2002 together with a report of the Valencia Forum, held in Valencia, Spain, April 1-4, 2002. The UN General Assembly in its 2002 resolution "Situation of older women in society" welcomed the adoption of RAA-21 by the Valencia Forum. Specific reference to RAA-21 was made at the UN ESCAP Asia Pacific Follow-up to the Second World Assembly on Aging held in Shanghai, China 23-26, September 2002. Current Activities: Regional Workshops: During 2003 the IAG and the UN Programme on Ageing convened a series of expert group meetings, designed to highlight regional research priorities and to facilitate implementation of the Madrid Plan of Action 2002. Dates and locations of these were as follows:
The African and European Region consultations were supported in part by Help the Aged UK, the COMLAT region consultation was co-sponsored by the UN Inter-agency group on Ageing, with financial support from the UNFPD, the Asia-Oceania expert group was co-sponsored by the Asia Pacific Academy of Health Medicine and Ageing and the Centre for Ageing Studies, Adelaide. b) U.S. Research Center Portal Sites Centers on the Demography of Aging: The Centers' research includes the following topics: the age structure of populations; changes in the levels of disease and disability; the economic costs of disability; cost effectiveness of interventions; migration and geographic concentration of older people; decision-making about retirement; pensions and savings; the relationship between health and economic status; and health disparities by gender and race. Edward R. Roybal Centers for Research on Applied Gerontology conduct applied research to keep older persons independent, active, and productive in later life. The Roybal Centers were established in order to encourage the application of existing basic knowledge about cognitive and psychosocial aging to a wide range of important practical problems facing older persons. Population Reference Bureau: Provides social, economic, and political information on U.S. and international population trends and their implications. U.S. Census Bureau IDB Population Pyramids: This page allows you to obtain population pyramids (graphs that show the distribution of population by age and sex) for one country. 4) Highlighted Initiatives IAG is proud to present initiatives carried out by our member societies, and by other gerontologists worldwide in both our newsletter and online. Click here to see what we have highlighted already, and watch the next newsletter for more information.