Evaluation Criteria

After some research - see Data Collection - I decided for five criteria to take into consideration.

1. Landuse:
Landuse is always important to consider in any planning decisions. Landuses like Protected Areas or Parks have a really low suitability and would be the last choice.

2. Average Household Income:
That will be important for the acceptance of the new skytrain line. Where the people have lots of money, the acceptance can be considered low.

3. Average Dwelling Value:
That correlates with the Average Household Income. I have chosen it also to make the analysis more accurate. High dwelling values indicate a low acceptance for a skytrain route.

4. Number of Employed Persons using Public Transit:
That is important to consider because it helps to get an idea of demand for Public Transit. A higher number makes the area more suitable for a new skytrain alignment.

5. Number of Employed driving mainly on their own (possessing a car):
That number gives a clue for potential future demand of Public Transit if it improves - as it would with a new skytrain line. A higher number thus indicates a higher potential future demand.

 Conceptual Outline


Background Research and Explanation