Conceptual Outline


After considering several possibilities of a topic to choose, I decided on the plannning of a new skytrain route. Why the other idea failed will be discussed in the problem section. My preliminary idea was to plan a skytrain route somewhere in the GVRD (Greater Vancouver Regional District).After some research in the internet I found out, that Richmond has the highest number of commuters. Even more people are commuting to Richmond to Downtown than vice versa.
So I decided to plan a skytrain route from Richmond to Downtown. I was also wondering since I'm here, why there is no better connection from the airport to Downtown in such a big and important city. So I included the airport in my route on the way between Richmond and Downtown. As I know their have been plans to build a Skytrain-line in the same corridor a few years ago. The main problem was though, that the neighbourhoods around Granville Street, Arbutus Street and Cambie Street (the three main corridors) are quite rich and the resistance against a new Skytrain line was high.
In the next designing step I had to think about the critera I want to include in my evaluation of a possible new Skytrain-line.
This part was more difficult than I thought because nobody ("Skytrain-Headoffice", "RapidTransit") could give me anything like a catalogue of evaluation criteria. And what would have been even more important - they could not provide me with any key to weight the different factors. For example, that regarding landuse is more important than the average household income.
 I ended up with five evaluation criteria.
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