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Mechatronic Systems Engineering Undergraduates
Speical Topic Courses
Special Topic Course On Application Of Machine Learning In Mechatronics
Course Description
This course is an introduction for the development and implementation of Machine Learning algorithms in mechatronic systems. The proposed course will combinetheory and practice to develop the necessary knowledge and skills to work on analysis and design of complex monitoring, diagnostics and control systems. Students understand a wide variety of machine learning techniques including supervised and unsupervised learning, as well as how to evaluate models generated from data. Lastly, they implement their developed algorithms to a real-world problem in mechatronics including but not limited to diagnostics, monitoring or control systems problems.
MSE 310 and MSE 352
Dr. Mohammad Narimani
Special Topic Course on Robust Estimation and Control
Course Description
The course aims to provide students with a background on noise in control system and teaches them to design Kalman Filters for optimal state estimation with learning outcomes as follows:
- Recall concepts in control systems
- Introduction to vectors and matrices in control
- Introduction to discrete time system
- Introduction to filtering in control system design
- Introduction and design of Kalman filters
MSE 280, MSE 380, MSE 381
Dr. Krishna Vijayaraghavan
Special Topic Course on Digital Signal Processing
Course Description
A practical course on the analysis and synthesis of digital signal processing systems. Topics include discrete-time signals and systems, Z-Transform, Discrete Fourier Series, and Digital Filter Design.
Pre-requisite Courses
80 credits. (Mechatronic Design II MSE 312), (Real-Time Embedded Control Systems MSE 450) Linear Systems (MSE 280), Applied Linear Algebra (MATH 232), Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (MATH 260)
Dr. Amr Marzouk
Special Topic Course on Ocean Technology and the Marine Environment
Course Description
This Course focuses on different types of ocean technology and how they interact with the Marine Environment. The generalized hydrodynamic equations of motion allow for analysis, simulation and design of ocean technologies; these includes the hydrostatics and stability of floating bodies, added mass, added damping and viscous damping. Ocean waves statistics, measurements and spectra are covered alongside Airy wave theory. Tidal motions and wind spectra are introduced to generate metocean operating conditions and the resulting environmental forces. Ocean Technologies studied includes marine renewable energy converters, vessels, underwater vehicles and offshore structures.
Pre-requisite Courses
MSE 223, or SEE 225 or ENSC 283. MSE 280, or ENSC 380 or SEE 341
Dr. Helen Bailey
Special Topic Course On Flight Dynamics And Control Of Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles
Course Description
The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the exciting and rapidly developing field of autonomous navigation, guidance, and control of uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAV's.) The course focuses on the designing and implementing tools required for autonomous and semi-autonomous flight.
Pre-requisite Courses
MSE 381
Dr. Ramtin Rakhsha
Special Topic Course On Electrified Transportation Systems
Course Description
This course introduces architectures, systems, components, and operation schemes for modern electrified transportation systems, including road, waterborne, rail, and aeronautic systems. Main topics to be covered include vehicle dynamics, energy storage components in electric powertrains, converters and propulsion motors, dynamic modelling and control, power management, and charging systems.
Pre-requisite Courses
MSE 353, MSE 381
Dr. Jason Wang