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School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering
Welcome to the School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering
School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering mission is to advance knowledge, enable applications, and train future high-tech leaders through research and education in the technical fields of sensing, actuation, intelligent systems, advanced manufacturing, healthcare, power and energy.
Laboratories & Facilities
The School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering is renowned for its state-of-the-art teaching labs. These are located at the purpose-built Surrey campus, itself the winner of many architecture and design awards.
Led by MSE’s world-class faculty, our students use these facilities at every level of their education. Our labs practicalize classroom theory with hands-on experience, using the same kind of high-precision equipment students will encounter in their future careers.
1. Mechanical
A specialty of our faculty, we offer students a wide range of mechanical teaching labs. These include:
- Fluid Mechanics
- Machine Design
- Manufacturing Systems
- Materials
- Mechatronics Design 1
- Mechatronics Design 2
- Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer
2. Electronics
Our students also gain invaluable experience in all levels of electronics, moving from concepts to design and from verification to implementation. These labs include:
- Circuits
- Control Systems
- Digital Logic & Microcontrollers
- Electronics
- Power Electronics
- Real Time Embedded Systems
- Sensors & Actuators
3. Machine Shops
From basic tool-learning to hands-on projects, our cutting-edge equipment gives students invaluable practical experience at all levels of their education. Safe use of machinery is the foundation of these labs – and a fundamental lesson for all future engineering careers. Our machine shops include:
- Instructional Research Machine Shop (IRMS)
- Mechatronic Machining & Testing Centre (MMTC)