Sustainable Energy Engineering Graduates

SFU Surrey Engineering Building (SRYE)

Sustainable Energy Engineering - Technology for Social Good

Supervisory Committee

Your supervisory committee will play a crucial role in guiding you through your studies and research. We encourage you to build a strong relationship with your committee members, who will provide you with feedback and mentorship throughout your journey.

You are required to set up your Supervisory Committee in the second term of your program. This Committee will mentor you and help you develop a study program leading to a degree. Your Supervisory Committee reports your progress annually to the SEE Graduate Program Committee (see Graduate Progress Report). You can consult with your Supervisory Committee regularly.

Your Supervisory Committee should include members that complement each other in relation to your experience and areas of research and expertise. Be sure to consult your supervisor to decide the composition of your Supervisory Committee.

Alongside your supervisor or co-supervisors, your Supervisory Committee must consist of at least one additional member who is a faculty, adjunct professor, or research associate at SFU. There is also a possibility of having a suitably qualified individual from inside or outside SFU serve as an additional committee member.


View our Sustainable Energy Engineering Faculty page for contact information.


Declaring Supervisor & Supervisory Committee

Once you have identified your Supervisory Committee, you will need to complete the Approval of Supervisory Committee form and submit it to the SEE Graduate Program Assistant at

Appoint Supervisor

To appoint a supervisor, the whole supervisory committee, or the rest of the supervisory committee if only the supervisor is appointed previously, complete the Approval Form.


Change Supervisor

To add or remove members on your supervisory committee, or add a co-supervisor, complete the form below. If you are adding a co-supervisor, please have both co-supervisors sign the form.


Graduate Progress Report

The Graduate Progress Report is a key tool for monitoring your progress and ensuring that you are meeting the program requirements in a timely manner. It is completed annually and helps you and your supervisory committee to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement.

The Graduate Progress Report (GPR) is a mandatory annual review of your progress in your graduate program. It allows inputs from you, your Supervisory Committee, and Graduate Program Chair.

In brief, you will receive an email when your Graduate Progress Report is available. Upon submission, your report will route to your supervisor for review and addition of their evaluation. The report will route back to you for a final acknowledgment after the Graduate Program Chair has completed the final step of the report. Once your GPR is initiated, it must be fully completed within six weeks. Once your portion of the GPR is ready for you to complete, you will receive an e-mail notification.

To access your GPR, you need to log in to the Student Service Center on goSFU. More detailed instructions for completing your portion of the GPR are available here.

The GPR can have one of the following outcomes: satisfactory (S), satisfactory with concerns (SC), or unsatisfactory (U).


The routing of your GPR process is outlined in the table below.

Step Input Required From Task
1 Student Complete the required fields with information pertaining to their progress
2 Supervisor Review and submit evaluation
3 Student Acknowledge supervisor's evaluation
4 Supervisory Committee Review
5 Graduate Program Chair Review
6 Student Acknowledge final report