Sustainable Energy Engineering Graduates

SFU Surrey Engineering Building (SRYE)

Sustainable Energy Engineering - Technology for Social Good

Financial Support

We understand that finances can be a major concern for many students, and we offer a range of financial support options to help you achieve your academic goals. This webpage provides an overview of the financial support opportunities available to SEE graduate students to help them cover their expenses during their studies.

SEE financial support is awarded to graduate students with the potential to excel in their program. This support is available throughout the duration of the program, provided that the student makes satisfactory progress. To secure this support, a student must be recommended by their prospective research supervisor and pass the SEE admission process.

The minimum level of SEE financial support for students beginning in Fall 2024 is $18,000/year for MASc students and $28,000/year for PhD students. This support combines three components: True scholarships, teaching assistantships, and graduate awards. Please see below for more details.


True Scholarships come from research grants held by the student's supervisor, who determines the amount and duration of this financial support. True Scholarships are based on the student’s satisfactory progress on the research project(s) agreed upon with their supervisor. For questions about True Scholarships, please contact your supervisor.


Graduate SEE students may serve as teaching assistants (TAs) during their program. This role involves duties such as grading, office hours, and preparing labs/tutorials, as agreed with the course instructor. The amount of pay—typically in the range of $3,000–8,000—depends on the workload associated with the course, as determined by the school, as well as the program the student is enrolled in. The TA opportunities available each term are announced several weeks before the start of the term. Students are encouraged to discuss with their supervisor their interest in serving as a TA before applying. TA positions are competitive and are assigned by the school based on course requirements and the applicants’ preferences and qualifications. For questions about TA positions, please contact the SEE Manager, Operations and Administrative Services at


Refer to the Awards + Funding page at SFU for a comprehensive list of graduate awards. The table below shows representative awards SEE graduate students may be nominated for or apply to.

Representative Awards Approximate Award Value Deadline
Major Entrance Awards Graduate Dean's Entrance Scholarship (GDES) See GDES Guidelines Nominated within SEE school
Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship (SGES) $3,500
Graduate Fellowships Faculty of Applied Sciences Graduate Fellowships (FAS-GFs) $7,000 (Matching funds basis) Application falling between October - November
Sustainable Energy Engineering Graduate Fellowship (SEE-GFs) $1,000 to $7,000

Travel Award Graduate Travel and Research Award (TARA) Based on expenses being submitted, school approval and budgetary restrictions Application falling between April - November
Other Awards Internal + Donor Funded Awards
External + Government Awards
Dependent on the specific award Application falling between March - June or nominated within SEE school

Graduate awards are competitive and involve specific eligibility requirements and selection processes. For questions about graduate awards, please contact the SEE Graduate Program Assistant at


Internal + Donor Funded Awards
Step 1 Student Applies on GA3
Step 2 Department or Centre Review
Step 3 Faculty Review (Some Awards)
Step 4 GPS Offers Award on GA3
Step 5 Student Accepts Offer
Step 6 GPS Pays Award
External + Government Awards
Step 1 Student Applies on Agency System
Step 2 University Committee Review
Step 3 Selected Students Update Applications
Step 4 University Submits Applications to Agency
Step 5 Agency Decisions are Announced
Step 6 GPS Pays Award

 Funding from Employers, Foreign Governments or External Organizations

A student may be financially supported by their employer, a foreign government, or an external organization for part or the entirety of their SEE program. A prospective SEE student that intends to pursue this funding pathway needs to independently secure such funding prior to applying to a SEE program. To be admitted to the SEE program, the student will have to be recommended by their prospective research supervisor and pass the SEE admission process. In their SEE application, the prospective student needs to provide evidence of the secured funding arrangement to ensure the sustainability of their program.

SEE PhD Minimum Funding Policy