Mechatronic Systems Engineering Graduates

Mechatronic Systems Engineering students integrates cyber and physical realms, turning theory into practice with hands-on experiences to create technology for social good.

Financial Support

There are different options for receiving financial support for your time at School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering, including scholarships, awards, fellowships, as well as TA/TM employment.

Entrance Scholarship Competition

SFU has a very limited number of major entrance scholarships for exceptional students. We encourage applicants with excellent credentials to apply for entrance scholarships. If you wish to be nominated for an entrance scholarship, you are strongly encouraged to submit your application for admission to your department of intended enrolment by January 15. Failure to submit your application for admission by this deadline will decrease your chances for consideration in the annual Entrance Scholarship Competition to be held in February.

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External Scholarship Holders

SFU has the Provost Prize of Distinction (PPD) award which is only available to PhD students with Canadian Tri-Council funding initiating their PhD program at SFU.

SFU awards the Provost International Fellowship to outstanding international students who are initiating their graduate program at SFU and have received a scholarship from their home country to study abroad.

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Tuition Fee

International students pay the same fees as domestic students for graduate programs. Fees are subject to change, subject to provincial legislation, and subject to board of governor’s approval. Normal degree completion times for MASc and Ph.D. are 2-3 years, and 3-5 years, respectively.

Individual faculty members support students as research assistants, paid from research grants. Intending applicants may contact potential supervisors to ascertain the possibility of such support.

There is a limited amount of funding through teaching assistantship positions, scholarships, and graduate fellowships. However, these are based on competition and not guaranteed.

Tuition and Fees


GFs are the most common type of merit-based financial award at graduate level. Students will be notified by email every time a GF competition opens. Applicaitons are submitted through the Graduate Awards Application Adjudication System (GA3). Below are the requirements for MSE's GF competitions.

The eligibility criteria outlined below indicate the minimum requirements to be considered for GFs. Graduate Fellowships are competitive and meeting the minium requirements does not guarantee an award. Students are ranked based on their academic and research performance. 

MSE Travel and Research Awards (TARA)

Travel Awards are intended to support the travel component of the scholarly activity of graduate students related to their research. MSE TARA awards are for students who will be presenting their original research at a scientific conference.

Travel awards are for a maximum of $500 and will be paid to students after the travel is completed. Award value will not exceed the cost of conference travel or registration (proof of travel expenses must be provided). The MSE travel award is not expected to cover the full cost of conference travel. Students are encouraged to apply for conference awards, other external travel awards and request support from their research supervisor.

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Find more awards and funding opportunities below.

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