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Mechatronic Systems Engineering Graduates

Mechatronic Systems Engineering students integrates cyber and physical realms, turning theory into practice with hands-on experiences to create technology for social good.
Financial Support
There are different options for receiving financial support for your time at School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering, including scholarships, awards, fellowships, as well as TA/TM employment.
GFs are the most common type of merit-based financial award at graduate level. Students will be notified by email every time a GF competition opens. Applicaitons are submitted through the Graduate Awards Application Adjudication System (GA3). Below are the requirements for MSE's GF competitions.
The eligibility criteria outlined below indicate the minimum requirements to be considered for GFs. Graduate Fellowships are competitive and meeting the minium requirements does not guarantee an award. Students are ranked based on their academic and research performance.