A Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer
Equipped with an Ultrahigh-Field Orbitrap
Provide accurate and highly sensitive detection of peptides in complex biological samples
High throughput (> 1000 proteins/h) and high sensitivity (attomole)
Discovery based shotgun proteomics and targeted PRM analysis
Deliver nanoliter per minute accurate and highly reproducible flow rate
Ideal for label free or PRM based analysis requring highly reproducible retension time in separation
Maxium pressure is 1000 bar suitable for columns with ultrafine resins of 3 nm or less
Ultrahigh resolution with peak with of a few seconds
Simple touch screen operation for both expert and nonexpert users
Provide reliable and reproducible ionization
Ensure robust nano and capilary flow and separation
Simple plug and pull operation with reproducible position of the spray tip to the MS inlet
Temperature controlled column separation with digital thermostat
Integrated column/emitter design eliminates dead volume
NanoViper fitting allows tight seal for maximum 1000 bar operation pressure
SFU rate $150/sample, Academic $200/sample, Corporate $300/sample (subject to change), Sample Submission Form