Getting Started with Turnitin

What is Turnitin?

Turnitin is an online service used to check the originality of papers submitted by students. 

What is Turnitin's Privacy Policy?

See the Turnitin section of the SFU Protection of Privacy calendar page for official notice to students of privacy considerations in using Turnitin.

How do I create my account and join my Turnitin class?

You need the class id and class enrollment key provided by your instructor in order to create the account. Once you create the account with the id and key you will be enrolled in the class.

How do I join a class using an existing account?

  1. Go to: and login.
  2. Select the tab Enroll in a Class and enter the Class ID and Enrollment Password provided by your instructor

How do I submit an Assignment?

Note Turnitin is not integrated with canvas and you need to go to to submit your assignment.

See instructions here.