Undergraduate Travel and Minor Research Awards in BPK

Travel and Minor Research Awards (TMRAs) are intended to support the travel component of the scholarly activity of undergraduate students related to their research or BPK directed experiential learning. In BPK, these awards may be used to travel to present a talk or poster at a scientific meeting, or to travel to carry out research or BPK directed experiential learning. In BPK, travel to a meeting at which the student is not presenting is not eligible.

BPK TMRA Deadlines: September 5th, January 5th, March 5th.

Please submit the following to Manager of Administration and Services in BPK:

  • TMRA application form (this form is specific to BPK)
  • A copy of the acceptance (not submission) notice for your talk or poster
  • A copy of your current unofficial transcript

Terms of Reference

To be eligible for this award, the following two criteria must be met:

  1. Student must be a current student approved in one of the three Majors/Honors program (Biomedical Physiology, Kinesiology or Behavioral Neuroscience)
  2. Student must travel to a conference to either present research, or travel to conduct research or to engage in BPK directed experiential learning.
  3. Only travel to conferences and travel to conduct research are eligible for support. Travel as part of a student’s degree program, such as to participate in a practicum or internship or travel to attend job fairs and/or interviews, are not eligible.
  4. The student must be registered in their undergraduate program in the term they receive payment.  

Administration of the Award

  • Awards are made by the UPC Chair and Dept Manager. Reimbursement of travel expenses, to a maximum of the amount awarded is done by the Departmental Manager.
  • Award payments are made upon submission of proof of conference registration, or copy of paid travel itinerary and other original receipts. Each receipt must indicate whether the undergraduate student or the supervisor has paid for that expense. Both the student and the supervisor will be notified of an award.
  • Ideally, travel expenses should be charged to the Supervisor's grant. The department will then do a journal voucher to transfer the TMR award to the Supervisor's grant after the travel has taken place.
  • Awards may be paid before or after travel takes place. In the event of travel cancellation after the award has been paid, the student must inform the department of the cancellation and must return any funds awarded.
  • Copies of student travel expense claims and/or invoices are not required as supporting documentation to claim the TMRA from the department, but as funds are coming from the department, we are always subject to an audit. Therefore, the Department Manager may have to request such documents at a later time for random audit purposes. It is important that a copy of the travel claim be kept with the student or supervisor.
  • Only expenses charged to a departmental account during the current fiscal year (April 1 – March 31) or expenses that are not yet charged but expected to be charged before fiscal year end (e.g. in cases of travel taking place in March) may be included. Please claim the amount as early as possible, well before March 31.
  • Travel advances are not eligible for reimbursement.
  • Any unused portion of the award is returned to the department.

Application Form