Abraham P. Punnen

  1. A. P. Punnen and N. K. Dhanda, Revisiting some classical linearizations of the quadratic binary optimization problem and linkages with constraint aggregations, Discrete Optimization 54 (2024) 100858.
  2. A. P. Punnen and J. Dhahan, The knapsack problem with conflict pair constraints on bipartite graphs and extensions, Algorithms 17(5) (2024) 219.
  3. W. Yang, Y. Wang, A. Custic, A. P. Punnen, Experimental analysis of algorithms for the independent quadratic assignment problem, Computers and Operations Research, 168 (2024) 106704.
  4. Z. Chang, A. P. Punnen, Z. Zhou, S. Cheng, Solving dynamic satellite image data downlink scheduling problem via an adaptive bi-objective optimization algorithm, Computers and Operations Research, 2023, 106388.
  5. Z. Chang, A. P. Punnen, Z. Zhou, Multi-strip observation scheduling problem for active-imaging agile earth observation satellites, Neural Computing and Applications, 2023.
  6. Y. Wang, H. Liu, H. Wang, A. P. Punnen, A three phase matheuristic algorithm for the multi-day task assignment problem, Computers and Operations Research, 2023, 106313.
  7. P. Sriprathak, A. P. Punnen, T. Stephen, The bipartite Boolean quadric polytope, Discrete Optimization, 44 (2022) Part 1, 100657.
  8. Y. Wang, W. Yang, A. P. Punnen, J. Tian, A. Yin, Z. Lu. The rank one quadratic assignment problem, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 33 (2021) 979--996.
  9. Y. Wang, H. Zhao; A. P. Punnen, B. Peng, Z. Lu, A fast and robust heuristic algorithm for the minimum weight vertex cover problem and its experimental analysis, IEEE Access, 9 (2021) 31932--31945.
  10. B. Peng, Y. Zhang, T.C.E. Cheng, Z. Lu , A. P. Punnen. A two-individual based path-relinking algorithm for the satellite broadcast scheduling problem, Knowledge-Based Systems, 196 (2020) 105774.
  11. V. Sokol, A. Custic, A. P. Punnen, and B. Bhattacharya. The Bilinear assignment problem: Large neighborhoods and experimental analysis of algorithms, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 32 (2020) 730-746.
  12. B. Woods and A. P. Punnen. Exponential neighborhoods and polynomially solvable cases of the quadratic travelling salesman problem, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 40 (2020) 303-332.
  13.  A. P. Punnen, P. Pandey, M. Friesen, Representations of  quadratic combinatorial optimization problems: A case study using the quadratic set covering problem, Computers and Operations Research, 112 (2019) 104769.
  14. S. Lendl, A. Custic, A. P. Punnen, Combinatorial Optimization with Interaction Costs: Complexity and Solvable Cases, Discrete Optimization 33 (2019) 101-117.
  15. J. Song, Y. Wang, H. Wang, Q. Wu and A. P. Punnen, An effective multi-wave algorithm for solving the max-mean dispersion problem, Journal of Heuristics 25 (2019) 731-752.
  16. P. Pandey and A. P. Punnen, The generalized vertex cover problem, Discrete Optimization, 30 (2018) 121--143.
  17. Y. Wang, Q. Wu, A. P. Punnen, F. Glover, Adaptive tabu search with strategic oscillation for the bipartite Boolean quadratic programming problem with partitioned variables, Information Sciences , 450 (2018) 284--300.
  18. A. Custic and A. P. Punnen, A characterization of linearizable instances of the quadratic minimum spanning tree problem, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 35 (2018) 436--453.
  19. A. Custic, R. Zhang, A.P. Punnen, The quadratic spanning tree problem and its variations, Discrete Optimization, 27 (2018) 73--87
  20. A. Custic, V. Sokol, A. P. Punnen, and B. Bhattacharya, The bilinear assignment problem: complexity and polynomially solvable special cases, Mathematical Programming, 166 (2017) 185 -- 205.
  21. D. Karapetyan, A. P. Punnen, and A. J. Parkes, Markov chain methods for the bipartite Boolean quadratic programming problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 260 (2017) 494--506.
  22. K. T. Malladi, S. Minic, and A. P. Punnen, Clustered maximum weight clique problem: algorithms and empirical Analysis, Computers and Operations Research, 85 (2017) 113--128.
  23. A. Custic and A. P. Punnen, Average value of solutions of the bipartite quadratic assignment problem and linkages to domination analysis, Operations Research Letters 45 (2017) 232--237
  24. Y. Wang and A.P. Punnen, The Boolean quadratic programming problem with generalized upper bound constraints, Computers and Operations Research 77 (2017) 1--10.
  25. B. Woods, A.P. Punnen, T. Stephen, A linear time algorithm for the 3-neighbour Travelling Salesman Problem on Halin graphs and extensions, Discrete Optimization, 26 (2017) 163--182.
  26. P. Pandey and A.P. Punnen, On a linearization technique for solving the quadratic set covering problem and variations, Optimization Letters, 11 (2017) 1357--1370.
  27. A. Yin, A. P. Punnen, and D. Hu, Priority allocation rules for single machine total weighted linear and square tardiness problems, Production Engineering 10 (2016) 471--476.
  28. Y. Wang, S. Minic, R. Leitch, and A. P. Punnen, A GRASP for next generation Sapphire image acquisition scheduling, International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 3518537, 7 pages.
  29. A.P. Punnen and Y. Wang, The bipartite quadratic assignment problem and extensions, European Journal of Operational Research, 250 (2016) 715--725.
  30. A. P. Punnen, P. Sripratak, and D. Karapetyan, The bipartite unconstrained 0-1 quadratic programming problem: Polynomially solvable cases, Discrete Applied Mathematics 193 (2015) 1--10.
  31. D. Karapetyan, K. T. Malladi, S. Mitrovic-Minic, and A. P. Punnen, The satellite downlink scheduling problem, Omega 53 (2015) 115–-123.
  32. A. P. Punnen, P. Sripratak, and D. Karapetyan, Average value of solutions for the bipartite boolean quadratic programs and rounding algorithms, Theoretical Computer Science, 565 (2015) 77--89.
  33. F. Glover, T. Ye, A.P. Punnen, G. Kochenberger, Integrating tabu search and VLSN search to develop enhanced algorithms: A case study using bipartite boolean quadratic programs, European Journal of Operational Research 241 (2015) 697-707.
  34. A.P. Punnen, S. Taghipour, D. Karapetyan and B. Bhattacharya, The quadratic balanced optimization problem, Discrete Optimization 12 (2014) 47-60.
  35. J. LaRusic and A.P. Punnen, The asymmetric bottleneck traveling salesman problem: algorithms, complexity and empirical analysis, Computers and Operations Research 43 (2014) 20--35.
  36. A. P. Punnen and S. N. Kabadi, A linear time algorithm for the Koopmans-Beckman QAP linearization and related problems, Discrete Optimization, 10 (2013) 200--209.
  37. R. Zhang and A.P. Punnen, Quadratic bottleneck knapsack problems, Journal of Heuristics 19 (2013) 573--589.
  38. D. Karapetyan and A.P. Punnen, A reduced integer programming model for the ferry scheduling problem, Public Transport 4 (2013) 151--163.
  39. T. Oncan, R. Zhang and A.P. Punnen, Minimum cost matching problem with conflict pair constraints, Computers and Operations Research 40 (2013) 920--930.
  40. S.N. Kabadi and A. P. Punnen, Spanning cactus of a graph: Extension, optimization, and approximation. Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (2013) 167--175.
  41. A.P. Punnen and R. Zhang, Analysis of an approximate greedy algorithm for the maximum edge clique partitioning problem, Discrete Optimization 9 (2012) 205-208.
  42. J. LaRusic, A.P. Punnen, and E. Aubanel, Experimental analysis of algorithms for the bottleneck traveling salesman problem and its variations, Journal of Heuristics, 18 (2012) 473-503.
  43. Q. Han and A.P. Punnen, On the approximability of vertex cover and related problems, Discrete Applied Mathematics 160 (2012) 197-203.
  44. D. K. Benvenuti and A.P. Punnen, Three-value TSP and linkages with the three value linear spanning 2-forests, Discrete Applied Mathematics 160 (2012) 38-52.
  45. S. N. Kabadi and A. P. Punnen, An O(n4) algorithm for the QAP linearization problem, Mathematics of Operations Research 36 (2011) 754-761.
  46. A.P. Punnen and R. Zhang, Quadratic bottleneck Problems, Naval Research Logistics 58 (2011) 153-164.
  47. R. Zhang, S.N. Kabadi and A.P. Punnen, Minimum spanning tree problem with conflict constraints and variations, Discrete Optimization, 8 (2011) 191-205.
  48. L. Turner, A. P. Punnen, Y. P, Aneja, and H. W. Hamacher, On generalized balanced optimization problems, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 73 (2011) 19--27.
  49. J. LaRusic and A.P. Punnen, The balanced traveling salesman problem, Computers and Operations Research 38 (2011) 868-875.
  50. S. N. Kabadi and A. P. Punnen, Trioid: A generalization of matroid and the associated polytope, Algorithmic operations research 6 (2011) 29-39.
  51. D. K. Benvenuti and A.P. Punnen, SC-Hamiltonian graphs and digraphs: New necessary conditions and impacts, Discrete Mathematics 310 (2010) 2841-2846
  52. D. K. Benvenuti and A. P. Punnen, SC-Hamiltonicity and its linkages with strong Hamiltonicity of a graph, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 23 (2010) 2035-2041.
  53. T. Oncan and A.P. Punnen,The quadratic minimum spanning tree problem: A lower bounding procedure and an efficient search algorithm, Computers and Operations Research 37 (2010) 1762-1773.
  54. Q. Han, A.P. Punnen, and Y. Ye, An edge-reduction algorithm for the vertex cover problem Operations Research Letters 37 (2009) 181-186.
  55. S. Mitrovic-Minic and A.P. Punnen, Local Search Intensified: Very Large-Scale Variable Neighborhood Search for the Multi-Resource Generalized Assignment Problem, Discrete Optimization, 6 (2009) 370-377
  56. R. Zhang and A.P. Punnen, Bottleneck Flows in Networks, Information processing letters 109 (2009) 334-338.
  57. R. Ramakrishnan, P. Sharma, and A. P. Punnen, An efficient heuristic algorithm for the bottleneck traveling salesman problem, Opsearch 46 (2009) 275-288.
  58. P. Pandey and A.P. Punnen, A simplex algorithm for network flow problems with piecewise linear fractional objective function, Opsearch 46 (2009) 359-389.
  59. S. Mitrovic-Minic and A.P. Punnen, Variable intensity local search. Annals of Information Systems 10 (2009) 245-252.
  60. Santosh N. Kabadi, Abraham P. Punnen: A strongly polynomial simplex method for the linear fractional assignment problem, Operations Research Letters, 36 (2008) 402-407.
  61. T. Oncan, S.N. Kabadi, K.P.K. Nair, A.P. Punnen, VLSN search algorithms for partitioning problems, Journal of the Operational Research Society (UK) 59 (2008)388-398.
  62. S. Mitrovic-Minic and A.P. Punnen, Very large-scale variable neighborhood search for the generalized assignment problem Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 11 (2008) 653-670.
  63. P. Pandey and A.P. Punnen, Simplex method for piecewise-linear fractional programming problem, European Journal of Operational Research 178 (2007) 343-358.
  64. N. Belacel, H. Raval, and A.P. Punnen, Learning multicriteria classification method PROAFTN from data, Computers and Operations Research 34 (2007) 1885-1898.
  65. S.N. Kabadi and A.P. Punnen, On cost matrices with two and three distinct values of Hamiltonian paths and cycles, SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics 20 (2006) 977-998.
  66. O. Chapovska and A.P. Punnen, Variations of the prize collecting traveling salesman problem, Networks 47 (2006) 199-205.
  67. A.P. Punnen and O. Chapovska, The Bottleneck k-MST, Information Processing Letters 95 (2005) 512-517.
  68. AP Punnen "Minmax strongly connected subgraph problem with node weights", Journal of applied mathematics and decision sciences 2005
  69. JB Orlin, AP Punnen, and A Schulz, "Approximate local search in combinatorial optimization", SIAM Journal of Computing 33 (2004) 1201-1214.
  70. AP Punnen and YP Aneja, Lexicographic balanced optimization problems, Operations Research Letters 32 (2004) 27-30.
  71. AP Punnen, "On bottleneck assignment problem under categorization", Computers and Operations Research 31 (2004) 151-154.
  72. SN Kabadi and AP Punnen, "Weighted graphs with Hamiltonian cycles of same length", Discrete Mathematics 271 (2003)129-139.
  73. AP Punnen, F Margot, and SN Kabadi, "TSP heuristics: domination analysis and complexity", Algorithmica 35 (2003) 111-127
  74. AP Punnen and S N Kabadi, "Domination Analysis of some heuristics for the asymmetric traveling salesman problem", Discrete Applied Mathematics 119 (2002) 117-128.
  75. P Vellaisamy and AP Punnen "Improved estimators for the selected location parameters", Statistical Papers 43 (2002) 291-299
  76. Ahuja R K, Ergun O, JB Orlin , AP Punnen, "A survey of very large scale neighborhood search techniques", Discrete Applied Mathematics 123 (2002) 75 - 102.
  77. AP Punnen and YP Aneja, "Randomized local search algorithms", International Journal of Management and systems ,(accepted) Abstract
  78. AP Punnen, "Combinatorial optimization with multiplicative objective function" International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management 7 (2001) 205 - 209
  79. AP Punnen, "The traveling salesman problem: New approximation algorithms and domination analysis, Journal of Information and Optimization, 22 (2001) 191-206
  80. P Vellaisamy and AP Punnen "On the nature of binomial distribution", Journal of Applied Probability 38 (2001) 36-44.
  81. AP Punnen and YP Aneja, "An improved lower bound for the multiple bottleneck assignment problem" European Journal of Operations Research, 112 (1999) 167-173
  82. AP Punnen and KPK Nair, "Constrained balanced optimization problems" Computers and Mathematics with applications 37 (1999) 157-163, Abstract
  83. JM Philips, AP Punnen and SN Kabadi, A linear time algorithm for the bottleneck travelling salesman problem on a Halin graph,Information Processing Letters., 30 (1998)105-108 >
  84. AP Punnen and KPK Nair, "Linear Multiplicative Programming" Opsearch, 1997
  85. F Glover and AP Punnen, "The travelling salesman problem: New solvable cases and linkages with the development of approximation algorithms" Journal of the Operational Research Society, 48 (1997) 502-510
  86. AP Punnen, "On locating a single path-like facility in a general graph", RAIRO-Operations Research, 31 (1997) 107-115 Abstract
  87. AP Punnen and YP Aneja, "Minimum Dispersion Problems" Discrete Applied Mathematics, 75 (1997) 93-102
  88. AP Punnen and YP Aneja, "On k-sum optimization problems", Operations Research Letters, 18 (1996) 233-236 >Abstract
  89. AP Punnen, "A fast algorithm for a class of bottleneck problems" Computing, 56 (1996) 397-401 (short communication) Abstract
  90. RK Ahuja, JL Batra, SK Gupta and AP Punnen, "Optimal expansion of capacitated transshipment networks" European Journal of Operations Research, 89 (1996) 176-184
  91. AP Punnen and KPK Nair, "An O(nlogn) algorithm for the max+sum spanning tree problem", European Journal of Operations Research, 89 (1996) 423-426 Abstract
  92. AP Punnen and KPK Nair, "An improved algorithm for constrained bottleneck spanning tree problem" INFORMS Journal of Computing, 8 (1996) 41-44 Abstract
  93. AP Punnen and SK Bhatt, "Some ratio sharing models", Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 12 (1995) 187-198 Abstract
  94. AP Punnen, KPK Nair and YP Aneja, "Generalized bottleneck problems", Optimization, 35 (1995) 159-169 Abstract
  95. I Averbach, O Berman and AP Punnen, "Constrained matroidal bottleneck problems", Discrete Applied Mathematics, 63 (1995) 201-214
  96. AP Punnen and KPK Nair, "Polynomial algorithms for a class of discrete minmax linear programming problems", Journal of Operational Society, 46 (1995) 499-506 Abstract
  97. AP Punnen and YP Aneja, "Minmax combinatorial optimization", European Journal of Operational Research, 81 (1995) 634-643 Abstract
  98. AP Punnen and YP Aneja, "A tabu search algorithm for resource constrained assignment problem", Journal of Operational Research Society, 46 (1995) 214-220 Abstract
  99. AP Punnen and KPK Nair, "Improved complexity bound for the bottleneck bipartite matching problem", Discrete Applied Mathematics, 55 (1994) 91-93 Abstract
  100. AP Punnen and KPK Nair, "A fast and simple algorithm for the bottleneck bi-connected spanning subgraph problem" Information Processing Letters, 50 (1994) 283-286 Abstract
  101. AP Punnen, "On combined minmax-minsum optimization", Computers and Operations Research, 21 (1994) 707-716
  102. AP Punnen and YP Aneja, "Categorized assignment scheduling: A tabu search approach", Journal of OPerational Reserach Society, 44 (1993) 673-679 Abstract
  103. SK Gupta and AP Punnen, "Minmax linear knapsack problem with grouped variables and GUB constraints", Optimization, 28 (1993) 85-94 Abstract
  104. SK Gupta and AP Punnen, "Group centre and group median of a tree", European Journal of Operational Research, 65 (1993) 400-406
  105. MB Richey and AP Punnen, "Minimum weight perfect bipartite matching and spanning trees under categorization", Discrete Applied Mathematics, 39 (1992) 147-153 Abstract
  106. AP Punnen, "K-sum linear programming", Journal of Operational Research Society, 43 (1992) 89-95 Abstract
  107. AP Punnen, "Travelling salesman problem under categorization", Operations Research Letters, 12 (1992) 89-95 Abstract
  108. AP Punnen, "A linear time algorithm for the maximum capacity path problem", European Journal of Operational Research, 53 (1991) 402-404 Abstract
  109. SK Gupta and AP Punnen, "K-sum optimization problems", Operations Research Letters, 9 (1990) 121-126
  110. SK Gupta and AP Punnen, "Minmax linear programs with grouped variables", Opsearch, 26 (1989) 177-186 Abstract
  111. SK Gupta and AP Punnen, "Group centre and group median of a network", European Journal of Operational Research, 38 (1989) 94-98
  112. SK Gupta and AP Punnen, "Minimum deviation problems", Operations Research Letters, 7 (1988) 201-204 Abstract