Abraham P. Punnen

  1. A. P. Punnen, W. Yang, Y. Wang and A. Custic, An interesting generalization of the Koopmans-Beckman quadratic assignment problem, INFORMS IOS conference, 2024, Houston, Texas, USA, 2024.
  2. X. Yang, Z. G. Zhang, Y. Wang, and A. P. Punnen, Aggregate surgery capacity planning with consideration of self-cancellation, INFORMS conference, Seattle, 2024.
  3. D. Yin, Y. Wang, J. Wang, and A. P. Punnen, Hyper-heuristic for Collaborative Operating Room Scheduling with Patient Preferences, IEEM2024, December 2024,Bangkok, Thailand.
  4. J. Li, S. Zhao, Y. Wang, M. Huang, and A. P. Punnen, Robust Master Surgery Scheduling under Uncertainty in Surgery Durations, IEEM2024, December 2024,Bangkok, Thailand.
  5. Y. Wang, D. Yin, W. Junaru, A. P. Punnen, and Z. Lu, Multi-hospitals collaborative operating room scheduling with downstream capacity constraints, 33rd European Conference on Operational Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2024.
  6. W. Yang, Y. Wang, A. P. Punnen, J.-K. Hao, A new simheuristic for stochastic cross-dock scheduling problem with time windows under uncertainty, 33rd European Conference on Operational Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2024.
  7. Y. Wang, D. Yin and A. P. Punnen, Multi-operator driven iterated tabu search for collaborative operating room scheduling, 15th Metaheuristics International Conference, Lorient, France, 2024.
  8. A. P Punnen, W. Yang, Y. Wang, and A. Custic, The Independent Quadratic Assignment Problem: Tractable Cases and Experimental Analysis of Algorithms, ORSI Annual conference, 2023, Bangalore, India.
  9. Y. Wang, H. Liu, and A. P. Punnen, An effective model-driven heuristic algorithm for the collaborative operating room scheduling problem, 2023, ICIAM 2023, Tokyo.
  10. N. Kaur and A. P. Punnen, Introducing some linearization techniques for the quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problem and their comparison with the classical models, CORS conference, Montreal, 2023.
  11. Y. Wang, H. Liu, and A. P. Punnen, Multi-hospitals collaborative operating room scheduling with uncertain surgery duration, IFORS 2021, Seoul, S. Korea.
  12. A. P. Punnen, X. Wu, J. Guo, J. S. P. Estrada, N. Van Der Mark, The linear fractional assignment problem: complexity, MIP models, and experimental analysis, 52nd Annual conference of operational research society of India, Ahmedabad, India, 2019.
  13. W. Yang, Y. Wang, A. P. Punnen, A. Custic, Model Based Tabu Search Algorithms for the Independent Quadratic Assignment Problem, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2019, Seattle, Washington.
  14. H. Liu, Y. Wang, H. Wang, A. P. Punnen, An Effective Matheuristic for the New Large-scale Task Assignment Problem, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2019, Seattle, Washington.
  15. Y. Wang, H. Liu, H. Wang, A. P. Punnen, Bi-level optimization for collaborative operating room scheduling, 11th CIRP conference on industrial product-service systems, Hong Kong, China, 2019.
  16. Y. Wang, H. Liu, H. Wang, A. P. Punnen, Collaborative operating room scheduling under China’s hospital alliance policy, 2019 POMS International Conference in China, Tianjin, China, 2019.
  17. D. Yin, Y. Wang, A. P. Punnen, An effective memetic algorithm for the boolean quadratic programming problem with generalized upper bound constraints, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2018, Phoenix, Arizona.
  18. A. P. Punnen, P. Pandey, Linearization of quadratic combinatorial optimization problems and linkages with strong reformulations, International conference on recent trends in graph theory and combinatorics, 2018, Cochin University of Science and Technology, India.
  19. A. P. Punnen, Representations of quadratic combinatorial optimization problems, Conference on Optimization and Data Science: Global Perspectives and Applications, 2018, Thompson Rivers University, BC.
  20. P. Pandey, A. P. Punnen, Generalized Vertex Cover Problem, CORS 2016, Banff.
  21. K. T. Malladi, S. Mitrovic-Minic, A. P. Punnen, Cluster Restricted Maximum Weight Clique Problem: Algorithms and Empirical Analysis, CORS 2016, Banff.
  22. A, Custic, R. Zhang, A. P. Punnen, The Quadratic Minimum Spanning Tree Problem and Its Variations, CORS 2016, Banff.
  23. P. Sripratak, A. P. Punnen, T. Stephen, The Bipartite Boolean Quadric Polytope, The 21st Annual Meeting in Mathematics (AMM 2016) and Annual Pure and Applied Mathematics Conference 2016 (APAM 2016), Thailand.
  24. A. Custic and A. P. Punnen, Linearizable quadratic minimum spanning tree problems and related polynomially solvable special cases, ECCO 2015, Catania, Italy 2015.
  25. A. Rafiey, V. Sokol, R. Krishnamurti, S. Mitrovic Minic, A. P. Punnen and K. T. Malladi, A Network Model for the Hospital Routing Problem, ICORES 2015, Lisbon, Portugal 2015.
  26. K. T. Malladi, S. Mitrovic Minic, A. Rafiey, R. Krishnamurti, A. P. Punnen, Courier Routing for Hospital Labs, IFORS 2014, Barcelona 2014.
  27. Y. Wang and A. P. Punnen, Bianry quadratic programs with GUB constraints, IFORS 2014, Barcelona 2014.
  28. Y. Wang and A. P. Punnen, Bipartite 0-1 quadratic programming problem with Partitioned Variables, CORS 2014, Ottawa 2014.
  29. D. Karapetyan and A. P. Punnen, Fleet size planning and schedule optimization for the British Columbia Ferry Services Inc., CORS 2014, Ottawa 2014.
  30. P. Sripratak, A. P. Punnen, and D. Karapetyan, Complexity and solvable cases of the bipartite Boolean quadratic programs, CORS 2014, Ottawa 2014.
  31. X. Shen, A. P. Punnen, and D. Karapetyan, Path Selection Problem in network design, CORS 2014, Ottawa 2014.
  32. A. P. Punnen, P. Sripratak, and D. Karapetyan, Domination analysis of algorithms for bipartite boolean quadratic programs, FCT 2013, Liverpool, UK 2013.
  33. D. Karapetyan and A. P. Punnen, An efficient approach to ferry scheduling and fleet optimization problems, CORS Vancouver, 2013 2013.
  34. K. T. Malladi, S. Mitrovic-Minic,D. Karapetyan, and A. P. Punnen, Satellite Image Acquisition Scheduling Problem: A case study with RADARSAT Constellation, CORS Vancouver, 2013.
  35. D. Karapetyan, K. T. Malladi, S. Mitrovic-Minic, and A. P. Punnen, An Algorithm for the Satellite Downlink Scheduling Problem, CORS 2012, Niagara Falls 2012.
  36. R. Zhang, T. Oncan, and A.P. Punnen, Quadratic Bottleneck Assignment Problem and its applications, CORS 2012, Niagara Falls 2012.
  37. S. Taghipour, A. P. Punnen, and B. Bhattacharyya, Quadratic balanced optimization problem, CORS 2012, Niagara Falls 2012.
  38. S. Mitrovic-Minic and A.P. Punnen, Routing and scheduling of a heterogeneous fleet of re-configurable ferries: a model, a heuristic, and a case study, OR 2011 - International Conference on Operations Research, Zurich, Switzerland, 2011.
  39. B. Woods and A.P. Punnen, Optimization Problems on Halin Graphs, ALIO/INFORMS International 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  40. S.N. Kabadi and A.P. Punnen, The minimum spanning cactus problem: complexity, approximation and cactus extension, CORS/MITACS Edmonton, 2010.
  41. R. Zhang and A.P. Punnen, Quadratic bottleneck spanning tree problem, CORS/MITACS Edmonton, 2010.
  42. R. Zhang, S.N. Kabadi and A.P. Punnen, Minimum spanning tree problem with conflict constraints, CORS/INFORMS 2009.
  43. J. LaRusic and A.P. Punnen, Computational study of heuristics for the asymmetric and constrained bottleneck TSP, CORS/INFORMS, 2009.
  44. A. Kaveh and A.P. Punnen, Experimental analysis of heuristics for three dimensional assignment and transportation problems, CORS/INFORMS 2009.
  45. B. Woods, N. Belacel, and A. P. Punnen, Optimization problems on variations of Halin graphs, CORS/INFORMS 2009.
  46. R. Zhang, S.N. Kabadi and A.P. Punnen, Conflict graphs and the minimum spanning tree problem, MITACS conference, Fredericton, NB 2009.
  47. J. B. Orlin, A.P. Punnen and A. Schulz, Integer programming: Optimization and evaluation are equivalent. WADS 2009, Banf, Canada.
  48. T. Oncan and A.P. Punnen, The Quadratic Minimum Spanning Tree Problem: A Lower Bounding Procedure and an Efficient Search algorithm, INOC 2009, Italy.
  49. S. Mitrovic-Minic and A.P. Punnen, Variable intensity local search. Matheuristics 2008, Italy, August 2008.
  50. D.K. Benvenuti and A.P. Punnen, Weighted graphs with constant Hamiltonian cycle cost, CORS 2007, London, Ontario.
  51. J. LaRusic, E. Aubanel, and A.P. Punnen, Experimental results from Arrow: A bottleneck TSP solver, CORS 2007, London, Ontario.
  52. R. Zhang and A.P. Punnen, Quadratic bottleneck optimization problems, CORS 2007, London, Ontario.
  53. S.N. Kabadi and A.P. Punnen, Anti-stalling pivot rule for linear programs with totally unimodular coefficient matrix, Symposium on Mathematical Programming for Decision Making: Theory and Applications (ISMPDM07), ISI Delhi, January 10-11, 2007.
  54. R. Zhang and A.P. Punnen, Bottleneck Flows in networks, SIAM Discrete Mathematics Conference, Victoria, 2006.
  55. R. Zhang and A.P. Punnen, Unit capacity bottleneck flows, CORS Montreal, 2006
  56. S.N. Kabadi and A.P. Punnen, Characterization of Cost Matrices with Two and Three Distinct Values of Hamiltonian Tour Costs, ORSI 2005, Ahmedabad, India.
  57. J. LaRusic, E. Aubanel, A.P. Punnen, Efficient heuristics for the bottleneck TSP, CORS Halifax, 2005.
  58. P. Panday and A.P. Punnen, Simplex Algorithms for Piecewise-linear fractional programs, CORS Halifax, 2005.
  59. J.B. Orlin, A.P. Punnen, A. Schulz, Approximate local search in Combinatorial Optimization. 15th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, New Orleans, January, 2004.
  60. J.B. Orlin, A.P. Punnen, A. Schulz, Approximate local search in combinatorial optimization, ISMP Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2003.
  61. J.B. Orlin, A.P. Punnen, A.Schulz, Approximate Local Search, Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization, Paris, France, 2003.
  62. A.P. Punnen, Domination analysis of heuristics in Combinatorial optimization, CORS 2002.
  63. F Glover, C. Rego and A.P. Punnen, Advances in Ejection Chain Methods for the Traveling Salesman Problem, INFORMS Annual International Meeting, San Jose, California, November, 2002.
  64. S.N. Kabadi and A.P. Punnen, Bottleneck TSP: Solvable cases and approximation algorithms, CORS 2001.
  65. R. Ramakrishnan, A.P. Punnen, and P. Sharma, Exact and approximate algorithms for the bottleneck TSP. ORSI Ahammadbad, December 2000.
  66. A.P. Punnen, Domination analysis of construction heuristics for the TSP, INFORMS Philadelphia, October 1999.
  67. R.K. Ahuja, O. Ergun, J.B. Orlin, A.P. Punnen, Very large scale neighborhood search, INFORMS Philadelphia, October 1999.
  68. R.K. Ahuja, O. Ergun, J.B. Orlin, A.P. Punnen, Neighborhood search made difficult, DO99, Rutgers University. June 1999.
  69. A.P. Punnen, Y.P. Aneja, and K.P.K. Nair, Domination analysis of TSP heuristics: a survey and some new results, IFORS, Beijing August 1999.
  70. A.P. Punnen, Some counting problems in the Analysis of Algorithms, Combinatorics Workshop, MUN, Newfoundland, May 1999.
  71. S.N. Kabadi and A.P. Punnen, Minimum weight Hamiltonian paths in a Halin graph and related problems, CORS Windsor, June 1999.
  72. A.P. Punnen and S.N. Kabadi, Domination analysis of some heuristics for the traveling salesman problem. INFORMS 1999, Cincinnati, Ohio.
  73. A.P. Punnen, Efficient heuristics for the traveling salesman problem, SQC-OR, ISI Madras, 1998.
  74. A.P. Punnen, S.N. Kabadi, and J.M. Phillips, A linear time algorithm for bottleneck TSP on a Halin graph and extensions, INFORMS/CORS Montreal, April 1998.
  75. A.P. Punnen, Y.P. Aneja and K.P.K. Nair, Capacity leasing for Spanning Trees, POMS 1998, Cape Town, South Africa, June, 1998.
  76. A.P. Punnen and Y.P. Aneja, Heuristics for the price collecting traveling salesman problem. APORS Australia, November 1997.
  77. A.P. Punnen and K.P.K. Nair, Efficient heuristics for the optimum communication spanning tree problem and its variations, APORS Australia, November 1997.
  78. A.P. Punnen, New domination results and related heuristics for the traveling salesman problem International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Switzerland, August 1997.
  79. A.P. Punnen and K.P.K Nair, On capacitated stochastic spanning tree problem in a network. CORS, Ottawa May 1977.
  80. S.N. Kabadi and A.P. Punnen, Traveling salesman problem with two distinct tour values, SIAM conference on Optimization, Victoria, B.C., May 1996.
  81. S.N. Kabadi and A.P. Punnen, Prize-Collecting traveling salesman problem, INFORMS Washington DC May, 1996.
  82. S.N. Kabadi and A.P. Punnen, Constant TSP revisited, Optimization Days, Montreal May, 1996.
  83. A.P. Punnen, Domination analysis of heuristics and the prize collecting traveling salesman problem, ACORS Halifax, 1995.
  84. A.P. Punnen and Y.P. Aneja, A unified approach for certain combinatorial optimization problems, INFORMS Singapore 1995.
  85. A.P. Punnen and K.P.K. Nair, Discrete bottleneck linear programs and extensions, INFORMS Singapore, 1995.
  86. A.P. Punnen and K.P.K. Nair, Constrained balanced optimization problems, CORS Calgary, 1995.
  87. A.P. Punnen and K.P.K. Nair, Linear multiplicative programming, ORSI Calcutta, 1994.
  88. A.P. Punnen and F. Glover, TSP revisited: New heuristics with combinatorial leverage of exponential power, ORSA/TIMS Detroit, 1994.
  89. Y.P. Aneja and A.P. Punnen, Multiple bottleneck assignment and transportation problems, TIMS/ORSA Boston 1994.
  90. A.P. Punnen and K.P.K. Nair, A fast and simple algorithm for the bottleneck bi-connected spanning subgraph problem, CORS Montreal 1994.
  91. A.P. Punnen and K.P.K. Nair, Balanced Optimization and Extensions, ORSA/TIMS Phoenix, Arizona October, 1993.
  92. A.P. Punnen and Y.P. Aneja, Randomized local search algorithms, TIMS/ORSA Chicago, 1993.
  93. A.P. Punnen and Y.P. Aneja, On k-sum optimization problems, CORS Halifax 1992.
  94. A.P. Punnen and K.P.K. Nair, An improved algorithm for the constrained bottleneck spanning tree problem, CORS Halifax, 1992.
  95. S.K. Gupta and A.P. Punnen, Group centre and group median of a tree, ORSI Trivandrum, 1989.
  96. M.B. Richey and A.P. Punnen, Minimum weight perfect bipartite matching and spanning trees under categorization, CORS/ORSA/TIMS Vancouver, 1988.
  97. S.K. Gupta and A.P. Punnen, Minimum deviation problems, ORSI New Delhi, 1988.