The naming convention must follows: single words must initially be lower case. If there is preceding word, each preceding word must be grammatically capitalized. This applies to all naming conventions such as: ID/class, file/folder names, and variables (exception for "P02_Company" folder name)
<div id="#single"></div>
<div class="precedingWordCapitalized"></div>
Every block, section, div, all list types, and every preceding child element must be indented and in a new line.
<p>New line for every block, section, div, and list, but exception for paragraph</p>
Comments must describe the purpose of a chunk/block of code. Each comment must indicate where the block of code begins and ends. Only comment when necessary, otherwise it is distracting.
<!-- Short comment for a section -->
<!-- Short comment for a section end here -->
This is an example to demonstrate the purpose of this comment for a chunk/block of code.
This is an example to demonstrate the purpose of this comment for a chunk/block of code.
<a href="#" class="in_text">in-text Link</a>
Example of in-text Link.
<a href="#" class="headerItem">Navigation Button</a>
.button .buttonFill .buttonUnfill
<button type="submit" name="submit" class="button buttonFill">Submit</button>
<button type="reset" name="reset" class="button buttonUnfill">Reset</button>
.formItem input[id] input[type=text]
<form class="formContainer">
<div class="formItem">
<label for="formUsername">Username:</label>
<input type="text" id="formUsername" placeholder="Username">
<div class="formItem">
<label for="formPassword">Password:</label>
<input type="password" id="formPassword" placeholder="Password">
h1 h2 h3
<h1>Heading level 1</h1>
<p>This is an example of a paragraph.</p>
This is an example of a paragraph. This is an example of a paragraph. This is an example of a paragraph. This is an example of a paragraph. This is an example of a paragraph. This is an example of a paragraph. This is an example of a paragraph. This is an example of a paragraph.
.bullettedList li
<ul class="bullettedList">
<li>bulletted list</li>
<li>bulletted list</li>
<li>bulletted list</li>
<ol class="numberedList">
<li>numbered list</li>
<li>numbered list</li>
<li>numbered list</li>
.headerContainer .headerItem .currentPage .brandLogo .navBar .floatLeft .floatRight
<nav class="headerContainer">
<div class="brandLogo headerItem floatLeft">
<img src="img/file location" alt="image description">
<div class="navBar floatLeft">
<a href="#link" class="headerItem currentPage">Home</a>
<a href="#link" class="headerItem currentPage">Shop</a>
<a href="#link" class="headerItem currentPage">News</a>
<a href="#link" class="headerItem currentPage">Forums</a>
<a href="#link" class="headerItem currentPage">About</a>
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<a href="#link" class="headerItem currentPage">Account</a>
footer .footerContainer .containerWrapper .footerColumn .footerItem .brandLogo .copyRightText
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<a href="homeWithAccount.html">Rescue The Cephalopod</a>
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<a href="shop.html" class="footerItem">Shop</a>
<a href="shop.html" class="footerItem">Gift</a>
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<p class="copyRightText centerAlign footerColumn">© 2017, Eva & Jameson | All Rights Reserved.</p>
.threeColumnGridContainer .threeGridColumnItem .columnGridImg .productList .captionInsideTop .captionPositionRight
<div class="threeColumnGridContainer">
<div class="threeGridColumnItem">
<figure class="captionInsideTop captionPositionRight">
<figcaption>product offers and deals</figcaption>
<img class="columnGridImg" src="img/image location" alt="image description">
<h4 class="subjectTitle productList">Product Name</h4>
<p class="subjectInfo productList"> <strong> $old product price</strong> $new product price</p>
$50.00 $30.00
.colGrid .colItem p.colItemName
<div class="colGrid">
<div class="colItem">
<p class="colItemName"> 1/3 column </p>
<p class="colItemName"> 1/3 column </p>
<p class="colItemName"> 1/3 column </p>
1/1 column
1/2 column
1/2 column
1/3 column
1/3 column
1/3 column
.colGrid .colorSwatchBox .colItem .colorSwatchItem .colItemName .cw1
<div class="colGrid colorSwatchBox">
<div class="colItem colorSwatchItem">
<p class="colItemName cw1">color swatch 1</p>
<div class="colItem colorSwatchItem">
<p class="colItemName cw2">color swatch 2</p>
<div class="colItem colorSwatchItem">
<p class="colItemName cw3">color swatch 3</p>
Primary Colors
Secondary Colors
background Colors