P01 - Style Guide Template

A template you can use to start building out your own style guides with.

Interactive Elements

Text link

CSS selector:


Sample code:

<a href="#" class="in-text-link">text link</a>

Rendered element:

text link

Navigation Link

CSS selector:



Sample code:

<a href="#" class="button-nav">Default Button</a> <a href="#" class="select-btn">Select Button</a>

Rendered element:

Default Button Select Button

Submit/Reset Buttons

CSS selector:


Sample code:

<input class="btn-submit" type="submit" />

Rendered element:

CSS selector:


Sample code:

<input class="btn-reset" type="reset" />

Rendered element:

Text Input Field with Label

CSS selector:




Sample code:

<form> <label for="name">Name</label> <input type="text" id="name" name="name" > </form>

Rendered element:

Radio Button with Label

CSS selector:


Sample code:

<div class="radio-button"> <input id="option1" type="radio" name="option1">Yes <div>

Rendered element:


Image as a Link

CSS selector:


Sample code:

<a href="#"> <img src="indoor_planter.jpg" class="image_link" alt="planter set"></a >

Rendered element

planter set

Text Elements


CSS selector:





Sample code:

<a class="heading1">Heading example one</a><br>

Rendered element:

Heading example one
Heading example two
Heading example three
Heading example four



Sample code:

<div class="paragraphs"<p>The main focus of the company is to bring the world minimal but unique designs of home decorations made from sustainable materials. The most popular products are indoor planters that grow in modern pots and bottles. Having a glance at green can calm your mind and remind you of all the goodness in the world. </p> </div>

Rendered element:

The main focus of the company is to bring the world minimal but unique designs of home decorations made from sustainable materials. The most popular products are indoor planters that grow in modern pots and bottles. Having a glance at green can calm your mind and remind you of all the goodness in the world.

Numbered Lists

.nlist ol

Sample code:

<a class="nlist">
<li>Numbered list object one</li>
<li>Numbered list object two<li>
<li>Numbered list object three</li>

Rendered element:

  1. Numbered list object one
  2. Numbered list object two
  3. Numbered list object three

Combined Elements

Main Navigation

CSS selector:


.nav a

.nav a:hover

.nav a:after

.nav a:focus

Sample code:

<div class="navbar"> <nav> <a href="home.html">HOME</a> <a href="about.html">ABOUT</a> <a href="product.html">PRODUCT</a> <a href="checkout.html">CHECKOUT</a> <a href="contact.html">CONTACT</a> </nav>

Rendered element:

Product/Service Listing

CSS selector:


.grid h1

.grid h2>

Sample code:

<div > <src="indoor_planter.jpg" alt="indoor planter"> <h1> Indoor planter <h1> <h2> $18 <h2>

Rendered element:

indoor planter

Indoor planter


indoor planter

Indoor planter


indoor planter

Indoor planter


Payment Form

CSS selector


Sample code

<div class="payment"> <div class="payment-form1"> <input id="paypment_form1" type="radio" name="card" value="debit">Debit card </div>
Debit card
Master card
Visa card


Checkout Cart


Sample code:

<div class="cart-item"> <div class="cart-left"> <h3>Cart</h3 ><hr><br>
<p><a href="#"Product 1 </a></p>
<div class="cart-right"> <h3>4</h3>

Rendered element:







Art direction

Color palettes









Branding Ideas

What does the company do, or offer?

The main focus of the company is to bring the world minimal but unique designs of home decorations made from sustainable materials. The most popular products are indoor planters that grow in modern pots and bottles. Having a glance at green can calm your mind and remind you of all the goodness in the world.

Who is the company to potential customers?

The company targets young adults who pursue a life of quality, sentiment and style, from age 18 to 35. Since the company promotes sustainable living, the potential consumers can be individuals who care about the wellness of the earth.

Why might this company entice someone to purchase a product or service?

The art direction is using a combination of clean colors and minimal design on the UI. The company will attract people to its unique branding idea and asthetic appeals.

Potential imagery

plant_in_bottle plant_in_pot plant_on_desk
