Saving a Document
To save a document, choose File->Save (Command-S). If the document has never been saved, you will be prompted for a filename.

• To save a file under a different filename, choose File->Save As… (Shift-Command-S). You will be prompted for a new filename. Your original file will still exist, but you will be working on the file with a new filename.

• To save a file under a different filename and continue working on the file with the original filename, choose Export… You will be prompted for a new filename. A new file with that name will be created, but you will continue to work on the old file.

• To save all open documents that have been modified since their last save or that have never been saved, choose File->Save All. If any of the documents have never been saved, you will be prompted for filenames.

• To save an
AppleScript script that will recreate your current document, choose File->Save Other->Save AppleScript.
• This will prompt you for a file name, save the AppleScript file, and open ScriptEditor with that file.
• Saving as an AppleScript file lets you edit the AppleScript to automatically create new documents that are variations on the original document.

• You can also save individual
graphics, images, effects, blends, patterns, and pages.

Master Layers

