Acknowledgements Acknowledgements
Small Number is a fictional character created by Veselin Jungic and Mark MacLean, and first appeared in the story “Small Number Counts to 100” in 2010.
The initial image of Small Number was created by Mr. Simon Roy under Veselin Jungic's directions.
Since 2010 the Math Catcher Outreach Program has been supported by the following institutions and individuals:
NSERC's PromoScience Program
Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Faculty of Science, Simon Fraser University
Department of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University
Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia
The IRMACS Centre, Simon Fraser University
The Office for Aboriginal Peoples, Simon Fraser University
Generous support by many volunteers and donors.
I would like to thank the following people for their invaluable help and advice with developing the Small Number stories: Melania Alvarez, Dexter Anakson, Tom Archibald, Pam Borghardt, Barry Cardinal, Sheena Falkoner, Donna Gerdts, Ozren Jungic, Sadika Jungic, William Lindsay, John Maxwell, Megan Monkman, Noreen Pankewich, Kyra Pukanich, Rina Sinclair, Sasha Tiede, Audrey Venner, Kelly Wallace, and Betty Wilson.
Veselin Jungic