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Chapter 10 – Heather Park Elementary, Prince George, BC

École Heather Park Elementary is a dual track school offering a French Immersion program and an English program. As part of the Prince George School District, École Heather Park is “a community of learners moving forward together to improve upon student learning and a greater sense of self and community..”

Submission from Division 11.

Figure 10.0.1.

Under the guidance of Ms. Jessica Erickson students created several stories about Small Number's adventures.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Figure 10.0.2. Small Number and the River

Figure 10.0.3. Small Number Gets Stuck in the Vent

Figure 10.0.4. Small Number Goes to the Pool

Figure 10.0.5. Small Number and the Hunting Trip

Figure 10.0.6. Small Number and the Mountain

Figure 10.0.7. Small Number in the Snow

Figure 10.0.8. Small Number and the Genie

Figure 10.0.9. Small Number Goes Hunting

Figure 10.0.10. Small Number Plays Hide and go Seek Flashlight Edition

Figure 10.0.11. Small Number and the Lake

Figure 10.0.12. Small Number and the Math Lab

Figure 10.0.13. Small Number in the Snow

Figure 10.0.14. A screen shot taken during Heather Park Elementary School's presentation