Retrofitting Guide

Why > Energy Types

Energy Types

It is important to look at what fuel/energy types are available when deciding to completely retrofit your home. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of each type. Other considerations include insentives, cost, and the environment, which you can check out here.

Natural Gas

There are several advantages to using natural gas as a fuel for heating your home. As most homes already use natural gas as a fuel, retrofitting to another natural gas system means less hastle and costs to make the switch. As a fuel, natural gas is vertasile, a precise source of energy, and is safer than propane. It's easy to pipe into houses, or be stored in small tanks. Of the fossil fuels, it is the most efficient and environmentaly friendly, meaning it's also the cheapest energy source.

There are nevertheless some downsides. While compared to coal and oil natural gas is fairly clean, it's byproducts from burning or leakage can have damaging environmental effects and are toxic. If you're looking to install natural gas systems from a previous energy source, instalation can be fairly expensive. It's nature as a fossil fuel also means that it is non-renewable.


Cheaper than electricity, oil can work independently of a natural gas line. This kind of energy actually makes for an effective backup system. additionally, oil burn much hotter than the other fuel sources, so it has plenty of heating power. Unlike natural gas, oil in it's liquid storage state is no-flamable, making it a safer fuel to store.

Unfortunately, oils burns less efficiently than natural gas, which can cause higher prices because of the need to make up for the wasted fuel. This kind of independent system also means you can run out when your storage tank is low, and it's generally less convenient than natural gas.


Electricity can be a great heating choise because it's everywhere! Having a home means you have access to electricity which you could possibly use for heat. Electrical systems are generally less expensive to install, are more accomodating in terms of space, and typically last longer tha other systems. These systems also tend to be quieter, low risk and are really easy to maintain.

Electrical power is the most expensive of the energy sources. It also doesn't have the same heating capabilities as it's fellow fossil fuel systems.

Figure comparing the cost and energy efficiencies of the three types of enegry used in Vancouver.
The cost and energy efficiencies of the three types of enery used in Vancouver.