Week11 Blog
Interaction - minimize the character, entering the miniature house
In last week, we finished making the first and second interactions which are flipping the diary and waving the magic wand. This week, we continued making the interactions in the first scene. After the users waving the wand, we wanted to change the size of the character in order to make her extremely smaller than the normal size of a kid, we resized the controller and tried multiple times in the Virtual Reality. After we finished minimizing the character, the users could experience the world in a small body.
Also, we made a pixelated model for the miniature house on the floor. We separated the door from the miniature house so that we could animate the door, and the player could open the door to enter the fantasy world. Also, we have not finished all the models so in this week, we kept making the models for the pixelated world. Although we did not have all the models ready, we started building the interior for the pixelated house and manipulate the position of different models.