Week10 Blog


Interaction - flip the book,grab the magic wand Continuing last week, we focused on how we can implement interactions this week as well. Starting with the very first interaction, we made an interaction that the users need to flip the book and read the diary in order to know the past of this little kid. After we figured out how to implement the animation of flipping book, we added the last sentence to the diary and a magic wand appears.

In order to give a magic feel, we created a particle system around the wand so every time the user wave the wand, they would see the visual effects move along the wand. On top of that, we continued making both the regular models in the bedroom and pixelated models in the miniature house. We tested how the world would look at via Oculus. Since the interactions happens via using keyboards and mouse are very different from those in the Virtual Reality, we did all the adjustments while wearing the VR headset.

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