Week06 Blog
This week, we have decided how our project will look like since we hope to create an unrealistic world that could give the player a sense of dream. We also confirmed what kinds of interaction we would like to add, and drew out all the storyboards. We met on Wednesday afternoon and finished part of the storyboard, because there were some details we need to discuss and do some researches first. During our second meeting on Thursday, we discussed details and storyline, and finished the storyboards.
In order to make sure our whole project’s style, we also revised our concept arts. So when we are doing some individual modeling works, everyone will be on the right track. We also planned our schedules during our meeting, and based on our own schedules to change some design elements in our project.
When we were designing our storyboard, we noticed our original designs were too complicated in a certain degree, and we were not sure for the script part. After we did some researches about the scripts and animation workload, we decided to delete or change some interaction processes to make sure the user experiences will be smoothly.