Voting Places


Where to vote

Whether you're working on election day, running errands, or spending time with your family, you can quickly and easily vote by going to the voting location that is most convenient for you. Assistance is available to cast your vote.

What voting places are closest to you?



View a map of all voting places

Map of voting places

Advanced Voting

Oct 4 and 10; Advance voting, Location: Vancouver City Hall, 8:00am – 8:00pm

Need help marking your ballot?

If you need help to mark your ballot, ask for the Presiding Election Official (PEO) in charge at the voting place. The advance voting place will have an assistive ballot marking device. The device assists voters with mobility or visual impairments, or language barriers, to mark a ballot through the use of:
  1. Sip and puff-, paddle-, or other accessibility devices
  2. Audio instructions and braille markings on paddles or buttons
  3. Large print or high colour contrast
  4. Audio and written ballot marking instructions in Cantonese, Mandarin, and Punjabi

Election Day Voting

Oct 14; General election day, Locations to be confirmed, 8:00am – 8:00pm

If you need help to mark your ballot because of physical disability or difficulties with reading or writing, ask for the Presiding Election Official (PEO) in charge at the voting place. You can choose to:
  1. Have the PEO help you. All election officials must take an oath to preserve the secrecy of ballots, so they can help you if required
  2. Bring someone you know to the voting place to help you. This person will have to take an oath of secrecy that will be given by the PEO

Contact Us

Election Office


1st Floor
450 W Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1R4
Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm

Phone: 3-1-1

City Clerk's office


3rd Floor, City Hall
453 W 12th Ave
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1V4

Phone: 3-1-1