Data Visualization: COVID-19

This was a school project for a data visualization course. We were tasked to create data visualizations to test our hypothesis. When this was assigned, COVID-19 had become a global pandemic and had recently impacted Canada. At this time, the Canadian government had enforced emergency actions to lessen physical contact. My hypothesis - as British Columbia continues emergency actions then the number of daily cases would decline and flatten the overall curve. In conclusion, my visualizations had demonstrated that the emergency actions had been effective as the number of daily cases begun to drop after the actions had been issued.


  • Researched existing COVID-19 projections (i.e. CBC, WHO, etc.). Took note of how they represented the data.
  • Compiled a dataset of documented cases in BC from Health Infobase Canada to be used in visualization.
  • Informs the user about the emergency actions done in BC as of April 13, 2020, and provide possible factors that underlie the trends. One visualization observes the growth of daily cases of BC and observes the emergency events that had occurred.
  • If the user hovers over a plot on the graph they will see a tooltip that will detail the number of cases, the date, and any events that had occurred on that plot.
  • Result

    Obtained valuable insight with regards to communicating information (relationships, patterns, and comparisons) through graphics and interactions.


    Observable, JavaScript (D3, VegaLite)


    April 2020

    Project Type

    School Project, Individual


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