My name is Sorren, I am a student at Simon Fraser University (SFU) majoring in the School of Interactive Arts & Technology (BSc) concentrating in Interactive systems.

Playing video games at a young age such as Super Mario Bros. 3 (my first video game) and playing around with GameMaker Studio allowed me to find an interest in game development. Whether if it is learning about how the code affects the game to how the game affects the player’s overall experience (user experience), I have a passion to learn more. What interests me the most is how it all works behind the scenes.

3D animation and CGI are also practices I wish to learn more about behind the scenes. Being exposed to game trailers and animated films throughout my childhood allowed me to appreciate the beauty behind the craft of animation.

After learning more about the basics of game design and 3D animation from school, I feel more inspired to create my own game or film. My goal is to gather as much experience as possible and use my experience to create something meaningful.

Climb the mountain!


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