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View Points
Aspects of Learning
Future Potential

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Future Potential

Job Market

Getting Ahead
There are many who insist playing video games is a total waste of time and detracts from the learning of important skills. On the contrary, gaming helps in mastering a variety of literacies and is of the utmost importance for learners and their transition to the work world.

Jobs Require Gaming Skills
Beck and Wade (2004) show how gaming helps prepare the individual for today's and tomorrow's workforce. Analytical tools (manipulated as video games would) are used in the work force to help solve difficult tasks and issues. Because certain data is simply not available at the current time, simulations using tools and gaming skills help us address issues such as: global warming, terrorist threats, and long-term investments in infrastructure. "Our formal educational systems do not tend to facilitate the development of these capabilities, yet people of all ages are developing [literacies] via a variety of digitally-mediated mechanisms" (Galarneau & Zibit, 2007). Gaming bridges the gap left by traditional educational methods and allows learners to be successful in the today's business world.

In The School

Gaming Methods in the School
When thinking about issues surrounding videogames, it is important not to be too narrow in our perception of gaming. Doshi (2006) discusses the importance of recognizing gaming as not being limited to electronic or digital games. Various types of "games" can be used in the schools to facilitate the growth of information literacy as well as a variety of other literacies.

Mystery Games
Knowledge Quests are mystery solving games where students propose questions and search various resources to find the relevant answers. These quests can range from simple to those which involve many linking queries. They may take the form of competitions or be used as a group building experience. The goal is to develop searching skills in a fun manor and offer students some control over how they go about finding information. This also allows learning the order that information needs to be obtained in. This type of activity is helpful when trying to teach diverse learners at different levels of knowledge and understanding.

Evidence-based Games
Real world situations allow students to play evidence-based games which apply newly learned literacy skills and make them relevant in their own lives. When the circumstances of the learning environment are applicable to real world issues and situations, assignments and learning activities are made more meaningful for students (Lee, 2005). In these situations students learn more quickly and have better retention of the information.

Further Pondering
Teaching methods and attitudes in Canada will have to change now that digital environments are emerging in many aspects of work and recreation. Searching skills, evidence-based games, jigsaw methods of learning, store bought "best games" and applying the "scientific method" are tools to learn literacies, which are also evident in gaming. The question remains: how are you, as a teacher, going to move past the fear to utilize videogames potentially educational activities that are integral to students' daily lives?

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Photo by juliaf