Lets Play 'Snap' Requirements

Submission Requirements:

  • Submit your work in a zip file called explode.zip. It should contain the following files:
    • your modified form•Z file with the name snapsub.fmz
    • your index.html file that came in the snaptoit.zip file with your model
    • your three favourite images for the Tangram section of the game with the names:
        • tan1.jpg,
        • tan2.jpg
        • tan3.jpg
    • your three favourite images for the Soma section of the game with the names:
        • som1.jpg,
        • som2.jpg
        • som3.jpg

All images should be of size 320x240 pixels.


Congratulations for completing the standard practical!

As an extension you may like to challenge yourself and make more Tangram or Soma
patterns / shapes from the list of examples or of your own design.

Your should also include your three favorite images from your extension work in your
explode.zip file with the names:

ext1.jpg, ext2.jpg and ext3.jpg

Another extension possibility is to use the file snaptoit_hard.fmz and solve the same
puzzles with it. In this file, the puzzles have been rotated in three dimensional space so
that they do not align with the Cartesian axes. You will have to learn how to map
reference planes to faces to do this task.