Bird Hide Tasks

Your task is to create a bird hide for the Banrock Station wetland to replace an existing hide which has been washed away during flooding. In order to do this you will need to produce a brief which details the requirements for a bird hide. In preparing your brief you will need to use the resources provided.

Your interpretation of these, and other sources, constitute the brief. This brief will then define the tasks for this project. As such, both the comprehensiveness of your brief and the completeness of your response to it will determine your degree of success. Therefore you will need to formulate a clear statement of your brief and design philosophy to express your own approach to the process of design, construction techniques and materials.

Images of the physical existing site and its context.

Images of your digital site as you receive it.

  • Download the file and explode it into an appropriate folder on your F:/ drive. It contains a formZ model of the site. You will find a platform, within a terrain model that will be the site of your bird hides.
  • Using the platform provided as the site, design a bird hide using your choice of virtual and physical media.
  • If modeling the hide in formZ, turn off the terrain and the reeds, and leave shadows off to speed up rendering times.
  • Create a set of presentation drawings for submission on a maximum of two A3 sheets composed as posters, including text and graphics. They may be composed as copies of your on-line work.