Composition of Interaction

Work Distribution

Michael Sandrin (301192638)

  • Built the physical podium and button
  • Contributed in designing the presentation slide layout and look
  • Wrote and presented on the physical interactivity and construction of the piece
  • Conducted research on various artists to further progress on our artists statement

Andrey Goncharov (301194440)

  • Helped with the formalization of the concept
  • Wrote the initial write ups
  • Contributed to the group slides for Final Presentation
  • Documented the exhibition (Filmed and Interviewed)
  • Edited and released the Documentation Video for our project

Piet Voute (301170591)

  • Conceptualization: Iterated main idea, as well as built connections between artwork and course content
  • Writing and Diagramming: Created the final interaction diagram and wrote documents for the artist statement
  • Research: Small amount of research into course content to find examples and concepts to place work within tell of art

Robert Hodan (301192149)

  • Contributed to research of formalism and minimalism
  • Helped document the exhibition (Recorded sounds/voices for interviews)
  • Created the website which is used to show our project